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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Roe Fox added to this discussion on April 11, 2008

I don't think there should be politics in the Games whatsoever. These athletes have had nothing to do with either the Chinese government or the selection of where the Games are played. Metcalf isn't thinking, "I'll try out for the Olympic Team for 2012 but only if they aren't held in Darfur."

If someone wants to politic, protest at Olympic headquarters where the people who made the decision to put the Games are located. Leave the teams out of it.

The decision to put the Games in China is pathetic. That said, the athletes have had absolutely nothing to do with it. The playing field is supposed to be where all things are equal and competitors from all political backgrounds can join in without outside interference.

At least that's the plan. . .

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Dan Ransick added to this discussion on April 11, 2008


Your dead on about putting the Olympics in China it was a horrible idea. I think they would have been better off putting the Olympics in the North Pole at least Santa is there. China isn't that nice of a country to visit and that doesn't include the human rights record. I know that I will still watch it and I truly enjoy the Olympics especially wrestling and track and field.

Beijing Olympics just doesn't have a good ring to it.

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Elliot Lewis added to this discussion on April 11, 2008

It bothers me that the Olympics is held in a country where it crosses my mind "I hope nothing crazy happens over there!" Is it as bad as it being held in Tehran, Kabol...or somewhere in Syria? No, BUT I would rest a little easier if I was watching USA Wrestling in London or Madrid.

I understand anything can happen anywhere, but if Vegas had a line... Beijing
would have to be a sure bet over London.

Sorry if I offended any Beijing lovers. But the news should not be full of protest and stories of shutting the factories down so the athletes can breath or whatever.

No boycott just have ample first rate security with Team USA 24/7. I would hope that I am thinking on the cautious side and all have a safe Olympics!

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Scott Shaw added to this discussion on April 11, 2008

Elliot, there was a bombing during the Atlanta Games. Did anyone say...I don't know if I want to go there, something crazy may happen.

I don't think that security will be a problem.

I don't like the idea of the athletes themselves making any kind of statement other than the one they make in competition. The only athletes that should make a statement, the only ones that would make a difference if they did, would be the Chinese athletes. That probably won't happen. What does the Chinese govt. care if an American athlete protests in any way? Our athletes will still wear their Nike apparel, MADE IN CHINA. They have to maintain their "image." If the Chinese athletes stood up and made a statement, it would have an effect. Just ask African-Americans if they appreciated the actions of Tommie Smith and John Carlos during the Mexico City Games during the fight for civil rights. To a man, they will tell you yes. A similar gesture by a Chinese athlete would be the only thing that would make a difference, and again, it probably won't happen unless he is given a passport and citizenship in the U.S.

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on April 11, 2008

Quote from Elliot Lewis's post:

"It bothers me that the Olympics is held in a country where it crosses my mind "I hope nothing crazy happens over there!" Is it as bad as it being held in Tehran, Kabol...or somewhere in Syria? No, BUT I would rest a little easier if I was watching USA Wrestling in London or Madrid.

I understand anything can happen anywhere, but if Vegas had a line... Beijing
would have to be a sure bet over London.

Sorry if I offended any Beijing lovers. But the news should not be full of protest and stories of shutting the factories down so the athletes can breath or whatever.

No boycott just have ample first rate security with Team USA 24/7. I would hope that I am thinking on the cautious side and all have a safe Olympics!"

Have you forgotten Munich? Nowhere appears to be completely safe, though I agree that some are blatantly more dangerous than others.

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Harry Lester added to this discussion on April 14, 2008

Deke, I can only say as an athlete that I would be truly disappointed if we as a country boycotted the games. I'm not a very political person, and I really don't know exactly what is going between Tibet and China, but what I do know is that I have trained my whole life to compete at the Olympics. Keep politics out of the games. We have enough politics in wrestling with the FILA refs, and we as wrestlers don't need or want anymore. From my knowledge, protesting the games has never accomplised anything but ruining dreams of the athletes.

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on April 14, 2008

Great insight from a contestant. Good luck, Mr. Lester.

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Dan Ransick added to this discussion on April 15, 2008


That is probably the best way anyone could have stated it, especially coming from an athlete.

Whether you like dislike or like George W. Bush his comments on the Olympics are refreshing stating that he saw it as a sporting event and not a political event.

What good does it do skipping or boycotting the Olympics? Nothing but ruin the dreams of those athletes who have worked that hard and that long to reach the pinnacle of their sport.

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Deke Gunsolley added to this discussion on April 16, 2008


Thank you for your comment.

This "issue" with China has become incredibly sensitive.

I stated before, and I will state again, that I don't believe a boycott will accomplish what folks who are protesting think that it will accomplish.

It's unfortunate really...

I wish you all the best Harry! We'll all be watching and supporting your quest for the Gold!

God Bless!

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Discussion Topic: Wrestling with the Olympic Games in China...
Dom Mancini added to this discussion on April 16, 2008

I think it was the 2002 World Championships in Iran where the United States pulled their team because of safety - unfortunately if the athletes are in danger I think you have to pull them - however politics - no way - I'm sure that this is not the last we are going to hear about this.

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