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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Dan Cosimi added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Congrats to the Buckeyes on a great victory over Michigan!


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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

the first Ohio st dual meet win over Michigan since 1993, what a drought.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mike Hojnacki added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

What an awesome dual! Congrats to the Bucks and thanks to Jim Tressel for throwing in a little luck. Haha. But in all seriousness, that was a great team effort. With only one match with bonus points (which proved to be the deciding factor), everyone up and down the lineup fought hard and kept the dual tight the whole time. Great job!

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
John Mackesy added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Awesome! Thanks again everyone for the updates.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Fun match to watch. I had over two friends--one a former Bucks wrestler and the other an area wrestling coach--to watch. I thought the Bucks wrestled well. Obviously, Jags and Pucillo got clutch wins that made the difference.

--Triggas getting caught in the cement mixer hurt a lot. Otherwise, he probably wins. Watts has a quick first move on bottom. Triggas needs to jam better off the whistle.

--Tannenbaum did a great job of capitalizing on Sponseller's aggressive pursuit. It was a great "lesson" match for Colt. I thought if he could get out on bottom, it would prove the difference. Turned out I was wrong.

--Jags v Russell was a fantastic wrestling match. I'm still amazed that Russell avoided giving up that second td.

--The ref let Bleske off the hook. One stalling point wasn't enough. Still, I'd rather have refs not call it alot than overdo it.

--Did they announce the crowd? Looked pretty big. Ohio fans need to learn how to get louder during matches. But I love how they're supporting Ohio State.

--I'm thrilled with the Bucks victory but am surprised Josh Churella wasn't in the lineup. he beat Jenkins 9-3 on Friday.

--Let's give credit to Tom Ryan and his staff. he's galvanized this state's support of collegiate wrestling.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Brad Proudfoot added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

I happened to notice that, after getting off to an 18-0 start, Russell (Mich) has lost something like 5 of his last 10 matches. What do you attribute that to? He had some big wins along the way...Headlee, Jaggers, Lashaway, Griffin, Tirapelle, etc.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

It was a great dual and a great atmosphere. I don't know what attendance was, but it looked like significantly more than the Iowa dual. Coach Ryan is doing everything right.

I would have like to see what the outcome would have been with Churella in the line-up.

Jaggers looked solid in avenging the loss to the true-frosh Russell. It was a one move match, and that move was Jaggers'. There were, however, some great non-scoring scrambles in that bout. Every time I watch Jaggers wrestle I am reminded how much of an art form scrambling has become. It's truly amazing.

Palmer did what he was supposed to against Churella's back-up.

Johnstone did what Johnstone does. Many thought this was a toss-up match, with Marsh and Johnstone being pretty similar, but it's wasn't that close. Marsh is really coming on in his senior year, but his 19 losses is a testament to his inconsistancy.

As some level-headed posters predicted, Tannenbaum was too much for young Sponseller, beating him in every phase of the sport. And, dare I say, he got stronger as the match went on. I'm always amazed at how fans of our great sport can be so clouded by their loyalty to their team that they completely skew reality. During the match, on several occasions, the OSU faithful called for stalling on Tannenbaum. It just wasn't there. He took Sponseller down of his own shots, he took him down off countershots, he took him down on the edge, he took him down in the cetner of the mat, he got a takedown in all three periods and got riding time. It was a one-sided affair.

I will say this, this result doesn't make me think any less of Sponseller. He is still a great young talent who is having a fantastic freshman season. He is still a strong All American candidate, and may be top four. There's no shame in losing to a 3X AA senior.

Luke scored early and seemed to coast. It's a shame, becuse the bonus points Luke could have earned would have tied or won this match for Michigan.

Pucillo looked excellent, particular early. Todd was all over his legs late, but Pucillo fought off every attempt and deserved the hard fought win.

Weakly is young and will be very, very good in the future. His struggles underscore how incredible the season Sponseller is having is. weakly's results are much more the norm for a young wrestler in the Big Ten.

Bergman is a fantastic heavyweight. I think he could have scored bonus as well, but he would have had to go from neutral more. He wrestled a fine match, but when your team needs bonus and you're a senior captain, with a sweet head-lock, you at least push the action a little more from neutral.

All in all a great night of wrestling.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Triggas fought back hard. Tough to overcome that kind of lead on a college wrestler. (Ans as much as it pains me to say, let alone on a Michigan guy.)

The Hump...is he quick or what!?!

Jaggers seems to be riding high right now...I hope he carries it to Minnesota in March. ...and even to St. Louis!!!

Palmer = Beast. i would have like to have a different match but, if you think about it, a loss here makes for a loss as a team!

Johnstone...Would have like to seen the slick slide-by or even the outside single today. Oh well, live and learn.

Sponseller...What can you say? Although I wasn't excalty in the right position to make the call, I'll assume the ref was. Three or four on the edge??? (IMHO) Also, those details are what make Tannenbaum #2. It is not out of Spoon's reach, that is for sure.

Picazo...did exactly what his team needed him to do when wrestling a superior competitor. And wouldn't you know that tonight it saved a major and, in the end, maybe saved the tie. (Anybody know the breakdown for a tie - I mainly ask because Mizzou and Okie State reported a tie.)

Pucillo!!! Avenges his loss!?!?! Money!!! That is, potentially, a BIG mental victory as well.

Weakley. John Weakley will eat you. (I fear saying anything else!)

Bergman - My brother and I were figuring pin here but I guess Bergman can't run around the mat as fast as his opponent. Again, I was way up in the nose-bleeds and couldn't quite see if his opponent had on wrestling shoes or track shoes.this match.

Michael: I am amazed that your reality is askew on

Wait til next year!!!

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Quote from Mark Niemann's post:

"Sponseller...What can you say? Although I wasn't excalty in the right position to make the call, I'll assume the ref was. Three or four on the edge??? (IMHO) Also, those details are what make Tannenbaum #2. It is not out of Spoon's reach, that is for sure."

Mark...I was wondering what about the match made you think it wasn't out of Sponseller's reach?

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Jack Muni added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Nice win for the program. I thought Tannenbaum capitalized on Colt's weakness, the single leg attack. Tannenbaum was very difficult to score on too, very quick reflexes, and he would not allow Colt to underhook him, which is one of his favorite setups. I'm sure the coaches will go over the match with him and point out things. I also thought Bergman's guy was running all match, but that must have been the strategy; who could blame them. Triggas came back gamely after that cement mixer, and Weakley nearly had the tying TD at the buzzer. Our freshman will only get better. Hats off to Jaggers & Hump with a great start/finish combo. I figured if we won 3 (Pucillo, Bergman & Hump) of the last 5 matches we could win the whole thing. Parting note: Massillon Perry's Steve Luke had a lot of family & friends at the match; couldn't help but think how good he would have looked in Scarlett & Gray <rolleyes>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Pat Costilow added to this discussion on February 10, 2008

Re Luke- remember that as a RS Freshman, he had to cut to 157 due to the presence of Ryan Churella as a senior. He wouldn't have had to do that at OSU (I'm assuming he beats Mueller for the starting spot- Mueller has had an excellent season this year, and was good while at OSU, but I think Luke beats him)- had he been in Columbus, he might have ended up a 4x AA.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Maggie Lamantia added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

I had a great time!

Meeting Tom Ryan was like a dream come true. He was so sweet... very "We love our stat girls! Here's my cell phone number and the guy in charge of the stat girls' phone number."

Yay Buckeyes!

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Patrick Campbell added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

I was impressed with all of the Buckeyes continued pressure on Michigan last night. A lot of Michigan's wresters seemed like they were spending the evening trying to survive and hanging out with their backs against the line. Coach Ryan has his team in a right state of mind.

I thought Tannenbaum wrestled that match like a seasoned AA. He exploited what Colt gave him and obviously knew what was coming. I was impressed with Colt's continued pressure and intensity and that he did not quit, though it was obvious he was not going to be able to control this match.

Mike, I think Mark was just implying that Colt and tOSU coaching staff can go back to the drawing board and make this match much closer, if not win it. Tannenbaum was ready for him last night. He now knows what Michigan wants to use against him with his style, and should be better able to protect himself in the future. I have to think Tannenbaum was wondering if he would ever go away towards the end of the match, when Colt obviously was not coming back. He is a very special true freshman wrestler, regardless of whether he ends up an AA this year. But if he does... Colt for President. Just wanted to loose my level-headedness for a minute!

On the topic of true freshman wrestlers, I was pretty frustrated for John Weakley last night. Being in NE Ohio, I have been able to see John wrestle a lot. You could see his frustration last night. John is a big, strong, athletic guy who is used to having his way with his opponents. I can say from first hand experience there is nothing more frustrating than taking the college mat and not dominating the way you once did. I was not on the mat with Biondo, so I can't make any true judgment on the reason for this, but John just was not setting up his takedowns. The one or two doubles he did try, were just from too far out. He is well coached. I think once he gets a couple of good wins in a row, he will get his confidence back and be ready to go. I agree with Mike, Weakley's season is the norm for a true freshman.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Michael...I just reread my post...That was a vague statement I realize, but the intent was not that beating Tannenbaum last night, (or maybe even this year) was in reach. My thought was just that AA-status as a true freshman is possible for him and (more to the point with the "not out of reach statement") have a career like Tannenbaum's is "not out of reach".

If but one of those border takedowns is defended until the whistle blows then he has closed a sizable gap. If he's losing to soon-to-be graduates by 3 or 4 and beating other freshmen or sophomores, then the future looks bright.

Come on, now, Michael!?!?!?! Did you think I was going to release my inner Buckeye without thinking through what I was saying!?! Did you think I'd honestly drank of the 4x-er, 2x Gold Medalist kool-aid!?!?!?!?!?! What's up with that!?!?!?!

One thing I do know...I'll be in St. Louis watching first-hand Colt Sponseller and the rest of the Buckeyes compete at the National tournament!!!!!!! (No, no! I'm not rubbing it in! <smile> )

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

I admit upfront I am a Michigan grad, but I have never seen so much spinning and rationalizing of an 11-4 loss.

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