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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Mark...I'm using my jealous font. I truly wish I could go. Watching C.P. and Dustin, Steve Luke, Ryan Lang, Josh Zupancic, and Rocco Caponi would be great. Hey, don't sleep on Matt Koz at 197. <thumbsup>

As far as your post, they're going to take away your Buckeye Fan membership card if you keep posting such reasonable answers.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Come on G. Sommers! This is our star!!! He's the next Cael Sanderson!!! Actually, when Colt is done, people will ask, "Who's Cael Sanderson?"

11-4 is a whooping, make no mistake. Next time could be worse (12-0, 15-0 or pin), better (10-5, 6-3 or even a win for Colt) or the same thing. Either way, I'll be rooting for Colt! Go Buckeyes!!!

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

I was just messing with you guys. <smile> But you have to admit there was an awful lot of spinning going on.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Some of us can take a loss. Nope. Scratch that. Some of us can accept the score when the match was over. Losing sucks...any way you look at it. But in this sport, there has to be a winner and a loser.

Time to watch the film, make adjustments and keep training for March!

Go Buckeyes!!!

OBTW: Didn't the Buckeyes win the dual??? he he he... (reveling font on!)

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Did they?

Gee, I hadn't noticed. <angry>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

I'll state right now that Tannenbaum's win over Colt will probably prove easier under dual circumstances than at Big Tens. In hindsight--which is always such an easy place from which to make pronouncements--Tannenbaum had the perfect style to handle Colt's aggression.

But, in a tourney format, when each match is more of a grind, and guys are a bit more tired, I think Sponseller's constant pressure will prove more difficult for Tannenbaum to handle. Having said that--Colt did not come close to a takedown yesterday. Until he demonstrates the ability to score against Tannenbaum, he ain't going to beat him.

The big adjustment that Sponseller is going to have to make is being a bit smarter in how he attacks quality opponents. He can't just walk in. He has to get lower with hands up--like the Iowa guys. His hips are too high and that's what Tannenbaum exploited.

The good thing about yesterday's match was that Sponseller wrestled well from bottom. Also, losing gets rid of a certain amount of pressure and helps to motivate the best wrestlers. Sponseller no longer has to deal with the burden of being undefeated. And he should make adjustments that will help him in the long run.

Gary--how's that for spin?

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

I'm dizzy! And I'm kidding.

As for the G-Man!!! Ha ha ha!!! Ha ha HA HA HA!!! HA hahaaaaaaa Ha ha!!!! I was saw a TV host hold a gloat-fest...that's about how it went for ten minutes!!!

Mr. Sommers...you're alright in my book...even if you are a UofM fan.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Not bad Hank, not bad at all. <thumbsup>

BTW, thanks for the email yesterday. I will check there later in the week.

Mark, my parents spent a lot of money to send me there. Even though it was a loooooong time ago. <smile>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

A UofM grad!?!?!?!?! That's going to cost you a cool point...maybe two.

<sign_oh> ???

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Jack Muni added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Hank mentioned Colt's style of attack. I thought he was nice & low in the beginning of the match, and even blocked the first few leg attacks, but seemed to "come up" after about the first minute of the match. Then Tannenbaum was able to penetrate. I swear they must have scouted Colt because he refused to let him get the underhook in. Much like Todd not letting Pucillo get the front headlock on him anymore. And Tannenbaum was too quick to get him with the arm drags. Colt had him in the front headlock a couple of times but didn't do much with it. He also tried the 2-on-one attack but couldn't do anything from that tie. I was waiting for the high crotch from Colt but it never came, or maybe he could never get it set up?? Like Pucillo has done with Todd, Colt will have to find a way to get past his defense to score some points.He'll have a nice ranked opponent from Edinboro to deal with on Thurs., looking forward to how he'll respond.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Quote from Mark Niemann's post:

"A UofM grad!?!?!?!?! That's going to cost you a cool point...maybe two.

<sign_oh> ???"

Can you blame me for wanting quality? <smile>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Todd and Pucillo are as close as two wrestlers can be. They've split several matches, and all have been very close bouts. Hard to compare that to Sponseller/Tannenbaum. That was a one sided match. As far as Michigan "scouting" Sponseller, maybe they did. It would certainly be wise to scout an undefeated ranked opponent, but not allowing an underhook is just good wrestling, regardless of who you're wrestling. And while Sposeller has wrestled 15 matches or so that could have been scouted, tOSU staff had three-plus years of information on Tannenbaum.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

...but they only had last night to scout what he would do against Colt. If the next match goes the same way then so be it. But if strides can be made at the BigTen's, then I change my earlier post concerning what I meant by "within reach." Although yes, the strides must be great, I refuse to discount tNDG and Co.

...and I most definitely refuse to give ANY credit to the coaching staff up there! <smile>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Mark...Do you give Chad Bleske the same shot at beating Bergman next time? How about Diehl over Humphrey? You can't have it both ways...well, since you're an Ohio State fan, I guess you can.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 11, 2008

Quote from Michael Rodriguez's post:

"Todd and Pucillo are as close as two wrestlers can be. They've split several matches, and all have been very close bouts. Hard to compare that to Sponseller/Tannenbaum. That was a one sided match. As far as Michigan "scouting" Sponseller, maybe they did. It would certainly be wise to scout an undefeated ranked opponent, but not allowing an underhook is just good wrestling, regardless of who you're wrestling. And while Sposeller has wrestled 15 matches or so that could have been scouted, tOSU staff had three-plus years of information on Tannenbaum."

Isn't scouting a standard practice, like in all other sports? Not like it is a dirty word, or a dirty practice.

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