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Discussion Topic: Browns
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on April 28, 2012

If the Browns fixed the O-line with their second round round selection, they will instantly be improved. A solid O-line is as important to a football team as good defense to a wrestler.

I'd have drafted Kalil at #3 (although the Browns probably had to agree not to when they traded with Minny) and just allowed the offense to flourish with two studs at tackle and a good center. Your running back is a lot less important with a good O-line and even a mediocre QB like McCoy is much better.

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on April 28, 2012

i'm puting on my optimistic hat now Hank, ha, ha, no more pessimism until season is a least half over.

Browns have SO MANY NEEDS they could have drafted a number of different guys in round one.

so i'm gonna take your word for it right now, Hank--- i wont take Holmgren or Heckert's word-- in the other room i hear studio-geniuses like Todd McShay running his mouth for ESPN, i wont take his word either, but i'll take yours-- for now. ...s/BobP

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Ben Golden added to this discussion on April 28, 2012

Quote from Bob Preusse's post:

"i'm puting on my optimistic hat now Hank, ha, ha, no more pessimism until season is a least half over."

Bob, I think the Browns' season is already 100% over.

Go Bengals!

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Roe Fox added to this discussion on April 29, 2012

I suppose ranking any athletes - including wrestlers -- and trying to determine how they will do at the next level is a challenge.

I just don't understand their consistent over-reaching for players that consensus indicates could be available later like Schwartz.

As always we will see next year. If they hit on the first three picks and nothng else, this team will be markedly improved. If not, this regime is as big a failure as the others.

Go Bucks!

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Antony Sharples added to this discussion on April 29, 2012

I pay attention to what these draft "experts" say about as much as I pay attention to the "experts" who rank wrestlers and never wrestled. Neither know a lick about what they are saying. If you have know idea what it takes to compete on those levels, then your opinion is worth squat.

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on April 29, 2012

Antony: I'm going to take up for rankers like Bob and Josh. Criteria have to be used to determine how to rank a weight class. And even guys that were Olympic champs would be no more likely to rank correctly. It's a tough job and has less to do with wrestling experience than simply keeping track of a lot of matchups, synthesizing the data, and making the best possible guess. Sometimes, they're off but usually they do a good job of identifying the major players at each weight.

The problem with the Browns is that they had ONE YEAR to put together an entire football organization including the acquisition of players. It wasn't enough time and we didn't have the best possible people doing it. Al Lerner hired people that were attached to the front office of the great San Fran 49ers of that era but none of them were named Bill Walsh. As a result, we drafted badly from the start and that set us back repeatedly. We hired a good coach, Butch Davis, but he couldn't draft. We got lucky in 2007 when our O-line came together and had a good year. The O-line crumbled the next year and Phil Savage didn't seem to understand what went wrong. Mangini came, did a credible job, but was not the right fit for the new team president. Now we have to hope Holmgren and Heckert get it right. My impression is that Heckert is the best GM we've had in a long time but I wonder if his good work will be sabotaged by Shurmur. Shurmur gave no indication last year that he was a good football coach. This year will show a lot.

I liked the boldness in trading up a spot to land Richardson and grabbing Weeden. If the O-line picks prove capable, this will be a better team. But we still have no idea if Shurmur can actually coach. This roster, however, has a lot of young players. If they're actually decent, the Browns should be on their way to respectability.

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Rob Wagner added to this discussion on April 29, 2012

I am just not too high on the Weedon pick because the Browns have so many holes. We don't need to gamble on a qb....One that soon to be 29 because he is not ranked with Luck and RGIII. He has potential but isn't a guy you can sit for a year because of his age. I just wish the Browns filled other needs other than take a qb.

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on April 29, 2012

Antony & Hank both make good points, i think rankings mostly just for debate. However wrestling rankings are more accurate-- much more --than football.

Why?? many of the top kids in a weight class have met before head to head, sometimes more than once, or at least they have alot of common opponents. Or they were in the same tourn, where we know who finished higher.

in football the best offensive tackles havent faced each other head to head. And its a team game, so the other teammates matter whereas in wrestling its you and your opponent head to head or in the same tourn.
A guys weaknesses and strengths are more visible in wrestling, he is exposed.

so like Antony, i take rankings with a grain of salt myself --but wrestling is fairly accurate for reasons Hank mentioned.

(btw, AWN did have Dake # 1 ahead of # 2 Collin Palmer on senior AA team 3 years ago.) ...s/BobP

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on April 30, 2012

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

"I'd have drafted Kalil at #3 (although the Browns probably had to agree not to when they traded with Minny)"

I wonder if this was part of the trad-up and if so, do they put it in writing or is a "gentlemen's" agreement.

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Roe Fox added to this discussion on April 30, 2012

A right tackle at 3 or 4 would have been a luxury. Browns picked the best offensive player in the draft not named Luck.

When we have our measly three point lead in the fourth quarter Richardson gets the rock and runs out the clock.

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Discussion Topic: Browns
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on April 30, 2012

Anyone read Bud Shaw's article on why the Browns need to part ways with McCoy? The ex-coach in me agrees with his logic. A lot of fan comments were negative towards Shaw's article--but he was right. McCoy was never put in a good position in Cleveland but no one drafts a 29 year old QB to compete for the spot.

Unless the Browns want fans second guessing every time Weeden makes a bad throw, they need to find a trade partner for Colt and sign a veteran back-up.


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