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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Roe Fox added to this discussion on February 12, 2008

Quote from Michael Rodriguez's post:

"Mark... I totally agree with you, but at some point I felt like I had to respond, you know?"

I don't. Let it go, grasshopper.

. . .and Palmer would have stuck Churella.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 12, 2008

Quote from Roe Fox's post:


Quote from Michael Rodriguez's post:

"Mark... I totally agree with you, but at some point I felt like I had to respond, you know?"

I don't. Let it go, grasshopper.

. . .and Palmer would have stuck Churella."

Nothing like blind optimism.
I just read in the PD that this was the first time Ohio State has beaten Michigan since 1994 . Wow!

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Rex Holman added to this discussion on February 12, 2008


I really like and respect your site and appreciate the opportunity to post here. I would like to add an objective account to what I have witnessed on this thread and add a little. First off, tOSU v UM rivalry as being intense is an understatement. It is the college rivalry of all times that makes fans more than a bit emotional. People are intimately tied to both programs and the outcome of either allows one to live vicariously in success or defeat. OSU had not beaten Michigan since my senior year of college in wrestling and that is a long time to go without a win against UM. Fans is a derivative of fanatic, need I say more.

Mike took a cheap shot at Buckeye fans that visit your site. I read his post a couple times to make certain that I understood the meaning. It was cloaked but evident. He could have said that he wanted to see the match up of Lance and Churella in a different form that would have not reflected the outcome of the dual. He solidified it when he wrote his rebuttal to the backlash.

Kirk made the mistake of letting someone else post under his name that made personal attacks of Mike rather than on his argument. You lose the discussion by default when you do that. It is like calling someone’s mom fat when you are losing an argument on merit. Kirk did a very good job of explaining himself once he took responsibility of the situation.

Bottom line, Mike instigated with taunting and someone posted under Kirk with name-calling. Neither was right or just in doing so.

At the NCAAs in Cleveland in 1998. I was in the stands for most of the tournament. There was a large UM contingent close to tOSU section. There were two adolescents (early or preteen) that were shouting derogatory statements whenever Mitch Clark was called up or took the mat. It was bad. I can remember looking at them and a couple that I assume were the parents who were laughing. I was a coach on staff and saw Mitch develop into an NCAA Champ. Plus, he was my friend. I was disgusted to say the least. I had a few socially unacceptable thoughts that would have quelled my desire for bloodlust. Obviously, I did not act on them. I took away from that experience, 1., I needed to develop some thicker skin and 2., there is always some guy that that wishes to denigrate the nature of competition. To be fair, there are always some OSU fans that are willing to denigrate UM. Either way, it is wrong. This thread is witness to it.

We need to appreciate the great institutions that are tOSU and UM and the athletes that compromise the teams. Rather than take a juvenile approach to taunting and name-calling. It is irresponsible to compromise decency and objectivity for negative emotion. I know that I just rehashed everything, but I feel better in doing so.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on February 12, 2008

Just to add to the confusion...

I am a Michigan grad but root for Ohio State in wrestling. Can someone help me? <crazy>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 12, 2008

Hank, have you tried Dr. Phil? <smile>

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 12, 2008

Rex...You're the man.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Roe Fox added to this discussion on February 12, 2008

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

"Just to add to the confusion...

I am a Michigan grad but root for Ohio State in wrestling. Can someone help me? <crazy>"

Your solid Michigan education taught you right from wrong.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on February 13, 2008

Roe: I only root for Ohio State in wrestling. And that's because of my years spent coaching in Ohio as well as the fact two of my former guys went on to wrestle for the Buckeyes. Otherwise, I root for Michigan. It's kind of hard because I really like Joe McFarland. He's arguably the most underrated coach in the country. Also, he's a heckuva good guy--from Cleveland. I'd hoped he'd get the Ohio State job when it opened up as I pictured us singing "Hail to the Victors" together in his office in Columbus (kind of a weak dream but we all have certain odd ambitions).

Further complicating matters is that Tressell has done such a good job that it's impossible not to admire him. I have a former frat brother living in Columbus and we've discussed the difficulty of not chanting "O-H...I-O". Plus, when SEC fans/National Media pile on the Buckeyes, I get defensive on their behalf.

Eventually I'll need medication...

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on February 13, 2008

"Plus, when SEC fans/National Media pile on the Buckeyes, I get defensive on their behalf. "

when a school start taking shots then u know they are admired, envy drives alot of resentment, the green-eyed monster of envy.

as an alumnus i wish buckeyes had won at least one of the last 2 BCS football title games---- but just making 2 straight title games aint bad, and a 3rd is very possible next season. (and they won one in 2003 !)

meanwhile Michigan football i think is on a downword spiral, no faith in new hire Rodriguez to right the ship.

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Jack Priestley added to this discussion on February 13, 2008

Look how well he recruited at WVU. He will be a recruiting force at Michigan.

If any ohiowrestling.neters ar at the Edinboro match tomorrow night, please come over and say hello. Five years went by really quickly. For the record, I've read this forum every day for the last (approx) two years. I want to thank the administrators for their time and for doing an excellent job with this site. This site is generally an island of reason and rationality in a sea of cyber-insanity. While I'll continue to read the forum, (I may even start posting again) four hundred miles each way is a little long for a dual meet.

Peace and Go Bucks!

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
John Ice added to this discussion on February 14, 2008

Anyone know why Churella did not go last Sunday?

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Discussion Topic: Watch Ohio State v. Michigan from Home
Dan Ransick added to this discussion on February 14, 2008

Churella was out due to skin infection.

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