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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 11, 2008

Originally I'd planned to go but am not sure. I'm leaving town the following weekend for four days to visit with my wife's family in the Baltimore area. This was unexpected but necessary. If I attend the match, I'd miss some work two weekends in a row.

Also, the match is going to be on TV--Big Ten Network will show it live. If not for that fact, I'd be there for sure. I'll let you know.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 17, 2008

Some more thoughts on Iowa v OSU as we close in on "the match."

1) Iowa was fabulous at National Duals. I've gotta think that was an emotional peak for them.

2) It's obvious from his poor performances in a few duals that Perry's not himself when he lacks sufficient recovery time after the weigh-in. Plus, his knee was hurting alot in his last match at National Duals. I think it's 50% he's not in the lineup. Iowa doesn't want Perry, having barely practiced due to knee and weak from not eating for two days, to get his butt kicked again. Plus, Perry's backup wrestled well against Nebraska. If Perry's not close to 100%, why wouldn't they use him?

Now, can Jaggers come through? I like Jaggers better in tourneys than duals and LeClere's attack style is problematic.

I think Palmer gives Metcalf fits but loses by 1. Palmer's low center of gravity takes away Metcalf's ability to get underneath and in on the legs--something he does well against most opponents. Plus, Palmer appears to be in great condition.

I expect the underdog Buckeyes, with a nice crowd, and tv cameras, to give Iowa a tougher match than it might appear on paper. I look for wins at the last 3 wt classes--with a very real chance that Sponsy wrestles a back up which makes 4.

Iowa 20 OSU 13 with tighter than expected matches across the board.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Dan Ransick added to this discussion on January 17, 2008

I think one of the keys here is Nikko Triggas. He needs to keep the damage to a minimum against Falck. If he can avoid bonus points that could go along way for the Buckeyes. If Humphrey can pull the upset of Slaton (which isn't out of reach) the Buckeyes could find themselves in a position to make a serious run at the upset.

I think if the dual starts at 125 it would favor the Buckeyes if Humphrey wins giving Jaggers momentum into the LeClere match. The big one will be Palmer and Metcalf. I think Palmer can frustrate Metcalf enough with his stockiness and I really came away impressed with Palmer on his feet against Jenkins. He is short enough to shoot in and get that double on Metcalf.

If Perry doesn't wrestle that could give the Buckeyes just enough momentum to maybe get the upset.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Cliff Cahill added to this discussion on January 17, 2008

I know this is a high knowledge wrestling forum and most know the deal but just in case. On paper Ohio State is a favorite in 3 of 10 weight classes

125 OSU NR Iowa # 3 - Iowa
133 OSU # 14 Iowa # 4 - Iowa
141 OSU # 9 Iowa # 10 - OSU
157 OSU NR Iowa # 16 - Iowa
165 OSU # 13 Iowa # 1 - Iowa
174 OSU NR Iowa # 3 - Iowa
184 OSU # 3 Iowa # 8 - OSU
197 OSU NR Iowa NR - even
285 OSU # 2 Iowa # 6 - OSU

Then to determine the odds you need to place a bet one might say there is a margin of error of +/- 5 positions in ranking. Thus reasonable odds makers could give Iowa every weight class.

Why then a big time, one time Ohio State Big Ten Network week feature. Obviously someone knows something. Could this be the beginning of a dynasty. As such no wrestling fan dare miss this one labeled the "white out". I propose a white out of the ranking positions and just get it on and determine it on the mat in front of the loyal buckeye wrestling fans both in person and on the air waves - if you do not get Big Ten Network go to sports bar and have them turn on the Big Ten Network channel. (One little caveat, no win is worth an injury, so let's hope the hype does not fog the judgement of one of the buckeyes overly fighting out a position leading to a season affecting injury.)

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Jack Muni added to this discussion on January 17, 2008

I think we trade wins at (149, 165 Iowa) (184, 285 OSU). So that leaves 6 weights; we'll be big underdogs at 125 & 174, but pivotal swing matchups will be at 133, 141, 157 & 197, which if we get the same effort that we showed against Penn State we might pull off an upset tomorrow. If Perry doesn't wrestle, that could be a great advantage for OSU, that could even out 149/165 matches. I would love to split those 2 weights. GO BUCS <thumbsup>

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Scott Shaw added to this discussion on January 17, 2008

One important thing for wrestling fans tomorrow night is to show up in droves for this one. With the BTN coming in, it would look really good for the wrestling community for there to be a large crowd at this dual. If we can bring in 5000+ it would show the powers that be that we can draw a crowd and wrestling deserves to be on the network more often (and not just a region coverage.)

My wife played and currently coaches basketball, but the crowds they get at the women's basketball games is usually only around 3000 give or take a couple hundred. tOSU is occasionally in the 6000+ range for their weekend games. We can do better and let the BTN know that they should put more of the best product in the country (Big Ten wrestling) on their network.

I have seen more of the Rocky Mountain Nationals on Altitude with my sports package than I have wrestling on the Big Ten Network (which they promised me when I signed their little petition two years ago at the Columbus Red, White, and Boom celebration.)

As for the dual, I will be there with my son, I will be cheering on the Buckeyes, and I will certainly be witnessing some of the best wrestling in the country regardless of who wins.

BTW, Coach Nicola, you enjoy that seed meeting. I remember my first year coaching at Bishop Hartley the CIT was at Elder. Your predecessor, Coach Balmert showed me the ropes of a CIT seed meeting. The next year (at Newark Catholic,) I had to bring my brother for the experience. I encourage other teams to do the same if possible and wondered openly lastnight on the phone with Tony Petrella if his father and brother would do that with the Hawks.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on January 17, 2008

i see where Perry may not wrestle, if Perry no wrestle Ohio st can make it close the way Sponseller is wrestling. i like Bergman to win at 285, Pucillo to win at 184, and 133, 141 and 149 are tossups. Buckeyes need a surprise, maybe Weakley can win at 197, neither team strong at 197.

#6 Ohio State vs. #1 Iowa
125: Nikko Triggas (13-8) vs. #3 Charlie Falck (21-1)
133: #14 Reece Humphrey (18-4) vs. #4 Joe Slaton (20-2) / Daniel Dennis (0-0)
141: #9 J Jaggers (15-4) vs. #10 Dan LeClere (17-5)
149: #5 Lance Palmer (16-4) vs. #3 Brent Metcalf (20-1)
157: Jason Johnstone (12-8) vs. #16 Ryan Morningstar (13-5)
165: #13 Colt Sponseller (10-0) vs. #1 Mark Perry (18-2) / Aaron Janssen (6-2)
174: Alex Picazo (11-8) vs. #3 Jay Borschel (19-4)
184: #3 Mike Pucillo (18-1) vs. #8 Phillip Keddy (17-5)
197: John Weakley (6-10) vs. Chad Beatty (6-5) / Rick Loera (7-8)
285: #2 J.D. Bergman (19-1) vs. #6 Matt Fields (20-3)

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Kevin Hoogenboom added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

Momentum is the key. IF the Buckeyes do not get wins from Humphrey and Jaggers they might not get a W until 184. I do not think this will happen, but it's possible.

125- Falck md. Triggas. (Hopefully Nikko can get on top and slow him down, maybe even get a turn) 4-0 Iowa

133- Humphrey dec. Slaton (Most people are saying that Humph doesn't have anything for Slaton. I believe the opposite. He's coming off a great national duals with 3 major decisions. I think he wins here.) 4-3 Iowa

141- Jaggers dec. LeClere (I really think this is a great match up for J. LeClere is short and stocky. Jaggers' longer funky style seems to give shorter guys problems and these two have never wrestled. 6-4 O

149- Metcalf dec. Palmer (I think Palmer can win and want to see him do it. Based on recent performance I will give Metcalf a slim decision) 7-6 Iowa

157- Morningstar dec. Johnstone (This match is a true tossup, with both wrestlers having bright spots and also some not so good moments) 10-6 Iowa

165- Perry dec. Sponseller (If Perry wrestles I think Colt will give him all he can handle. He will take him down and the key is staying off the bottom because Perry is at home on top. If they wrestle a backup I think we win here. I will stick with Perry as he is scheduled to start.) 13-6 Iowa

174- Borschel md. Picazo (I hope it doesn't happen and a big time home crowd helps Picazo, but based on what I have seen there is a good chance we give up bonus here.) 17-6 Iowa

184- Pucillo dec. Keddy (This is where the tide changes a bit. I would love to say that Mike will go out and win by 8 or more, but I don't think it will happen. I watched Keddy last week and he is a solid opponent.)17-9 Iowa

197- Weakley dec. Loera or other guy. (If John wrestles smart and for 7 minutes he will win here. Both of Iowas 197's are tough but not on the same level as the rest of the team. Great opportunity for the Bucks to grab three points.) 17-12 Iowa

285- Bergman md. Fields (I think J.D. will open up on Fields who seems to only do enough to get by in his matches. Fields has only been pinned once in his career and it was his freshman year. It is possible but not likely.) 17-16 Iowa

I really hope I am wrong and that someone who is not supposed to win steps up. One thing that this season has showed us is that everyone is beatable at any given time.


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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Roe Fox added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

Kevin: I agree with all of your projections and comments, especially Humphrey (I think he is being unbdersold on this meet), but I am really starting to get on the Sponseller bandwagon. I think he wins. I thought Gross had him on technique and certainly experience but Sponseller is a machine. My brother , a much better wrestler than I was, thinks he just has a natural gift re endurance in addition to the hard work he puts in.

Weakley I think loses only because he is the anti-Sponseller. Great pysical talent but he needs to turn it up in the third period. Easier said than done.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

I like Humphrey but Slaton is a buzzsaw. I thought Slaton was overrated in high school (a bit) but after two plus years of Tom Brands coaching, he's an attack dog for seven minutes. Humphrey has looked much better in tourney competiton--Vegas and National Duals--where he has more time to recover from the weight cut. Hope I'm wrong but a Hump win would be a nice but considerable surprise.

For those not in Columbus, the match will be shown on the Big Ten Network (channel 220 on Directv) at 9:30 tonite. The Ohio State Wrestling website (the link is on the links section atop this page) will provide updated results after each match.

Weakley wrestled five top 20 opponents at national duals. I think he looks better all the time. His likely opponent, Rick Loera, is short and stocky as well as undersized for the weight. Weakly stated when he picked OSU that he wanted to wrestle where everyone already knew him. Tonite, with a big crowd cheering him on, he gives a grand effort and gets a big one. I guarantee it (whatever that means).

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Pat Costilow added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

Results so far;

133- Slaton 6-2 Reece
141- LecLere 5-3 Jaggers
149- Metcalf 5-3 Palmer
157- Morningstar 5-4 Johnstone - Morningstar wins with the riding time advantage as the winning point
165- Sponseller 22-11 Kerr- no Mark Perry

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Pat Costilow added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

Sponseller had nine takedowns, two backpoints, and a pair of escapes, yikes.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Dan Cosimi added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

#1 Iowa 24, #6 Ohio State 10
125: #3 Charlie Falck (Iowa) dec. Nikko Triggas (Ohio State) 9-3
133: #4 Joe Slaton (Iowa) dec. #14 Reece Humphrey (Ohio State) 6-2
141: #10 Dan LeClere (Iowa) dec. #9 J Jaggers (Ohio State) 5-3
149: #3 Brent Metcalf (Iowa) dec. #5 Lance Palmer (Ohio State) 5-3
157: #16 Ryan Morningstar (Iowa) dec. Jason Johnstone (Ohio State) 5-4
165: #13 Colt Sponseller (Ohio State) md. Jake Kerr (Iowa) 22-11
174: #3 Jay Borschel (Iowa) pin Alex Picazo (Ohio State) 3:43
184: #3 Mike Pucillo (Ohio State) dec. #8 Phillip Keddy (Iowa) 3-2
197: Chad Beatty (Iowa) dec. John Weakley (Ohio State) 3-2
285: #2 J.D. Bergman (Ohio State) dec. #6 Matt Fields (Iowa) 4-2

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
John Ice added to this discussion on January 18, 2008

The team score looks as it was a one sided match,the bout matches show otherwise. Wasn't there but it looks as though OSU gave a heck of a battle.

Attending was 4,378 fans.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Anthony Windsor II added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

I was there!!!
Yes the attendence amazed me!!! (probably because it was the first college dual i've ever seen)
But the <sign_oh> <sign_io> fans were really into it. I could actually feel the wind from the towels being waved! (i'm not lying, I really could).
Totally different experience for me!

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