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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

Well....that was a bit of a fiasco. Onward and upward?

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Jack Muni added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

I should have known it was going to be "one of those nights" when I tuned in at 7pm and there was a swimming meet being broadcast instead of a wrestling meet.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

Lots to say but I'll start with Bouzakis. First, he looked tiny compared to Crook. He's dynamic but has a terrible habit of getting in on a shot, then going around his opponents waist and then lifting him in the air. That is great when you're overwhelming kids in high school but will never work consistently in D1. Finally, he got tired and broke position repeatedly.

I defer to Rex to offer a more pointed analysis...but that was ugly.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

First we started this match at the exact wrong weight. The guys who cut big were up first and it killed them. Sasso needs to go up to 157, paddy looked bad against the backup for the first period. Sasso can win 157. The cut is killing him. I don’t care about the lineup hole at 149. Need to put sasso in a place to win a national championship. He was absolutely dead. If Andonian wrestled we might have lost. Bouzakis is too small for 141. Mendes disappointed but Latona looked big even for 133. Mendes can definitely beat him. Latona just played defense while ahead.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

Are we sure Sasso is cutting exorbitant amounts of weight?

Also, last week, we watched Mendez defeat Byrd and sang Mendez’s praises for it. (Rightfully so, I’ll add.) But if we’re going to be consistent, shouldn’t we question Byrd’s weight cutting amount? Yet no one did. In this current case, can we give credit to Henson for a match well wrestled?

What if Sasso just had a bad match? (Not too many wrestlers can claim undefeated status for a whole year.) What if he just ended a long-standing relationship? What his pre-match meal or routine wasn’t what he thought it should be? What if he laced up his left shoe first instead of his right shoe this time - something he NEVER does!?

I’m slow to search for “an excuse” for the loss- especially when it’s the first match of the season. I’m more inclined to allow the coaches to coach, attending to the athletes as needed, letting the season unfold - as a fan.

Go Buckeyes!

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

It’s absolutely a tough cut. Tom Ryan has mentioned it on different occasions. He is making the cut for the team. He will 100 percent be 157 next year. Sasso is doing it to make the best lineup for the team. Did you watch the match? Hats off to Henson but sasso was absolutely gassed in the second period. He wins pretty comfortably if he had a gas tank. I think it’s time to re-evaluate him going to 157 this season. That version of sasso is hard to watch. If he goes to 157 we will get to see a much better version and he actually has a chance at a national title.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Rex Holman added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

"He's dynamic but has a terrible habit of getting in on a shot, then going around his opponents waist and then lifting him in the air. That is great when you're overwhelming kids in high school but will never work consistently in D1. Finally, he got tired and broke position repeatedly."

You nailed that one to the wall. Boom.

I went with the family and we were leaving during that match. Heard a roar, looked back at the big screen and seatbelt position.

I have seen guys win there. Carcelli took Zadick with a can opener. But you have to be as strong or stronger than your opponent and maybe carrying around a year of frustration from the prior year's NCAA. Certainly not up a weight and against a game opponent. I was at IU camp in high school and we were watching videos of World Championships with Dave Schultz. Specifically, his match with Adlan Varaev. He arrived at that position (he had the whizzer). To paraphrase, no one was scoring there.

"Toto were not in Kansas anymore." This a level up in competition and someone with good coaching will exploit you or fight tooth and nail for a position. He needs to figure out a low tackle from and angle and two-point takedown is the gold standard in collegiate wrestling.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

Quote from Nick Lecklider's post:

"It’s absolutely a tough cut. Tom Ryan has mentioned it on different occasions. He is making the cut for the team. He will 100 percent be 157 next year. Sasso is doing it to make the best lineup for the team. Did you watch the match? Hats off to Henson but sasso was absolutely gassed in the second period. He wins pretty comfortably if he had a gas tank. I think it’s time to re-evaluate him going to 157 this season. That version of sasso is hard to watch. If he goes to 157 we will get to see a much better version and he actually has a chance at a national title."

I did watch. Straight-legged from the 2nd period on. I was unaware TR has mentioned Sasso’s cut. Until now, I assumed Sasso was cutting like most wrestlers typically cut.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Rex Holman added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

All I want for Christmas...

Dear Baby Jesus,

Would you please see that someone coaches Paddy Gallagher up on inside drag position and the nuances of it. He's so close to being excellent there but lacks a little bit of technical skill to finish. Also, he is subject to reaching a bit much and the opponent exploited it with timed elbow posts. Maybe, you can see that he gets even more disciplined with his hand positioning so that does'nt fall for that trap again.

Some things happen because of a reason rather than for a reason.

If we find ourselves attributing things that can be controlled to otherworldy things, then there is a disconnect.

Serenity prayer.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

That whole part about courage to change the things I can needs a wrestling specific addendum.

Those things will get video reviewed with my coaches within 24 hours of the competition.
Who will explain to me what I'm doing wrong and what to do in those circumstances.
Then I will drill them over and over until they become a part of my wrestling and I can beat any and all there.

This stuff makes me a little crazy. If the things that wrestlers do wrong are not addressed, then they will continue to do them wrong. How many mindless next day practices did everyone go through that were about checking the box of being there rather than addressing their weaknesses? You tell me.

Paddy can AA this year with a couple adjustments. He does have some weaknesses, but a manageable amount to correct and beat some really great wrestlers this season.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

A lot of 149 pounders go 65 kg for freestyle. Pat lugo, Kendrick maple, yayha Thomas are a few examples. Sammy has no chance of making that. He wrestled 70 kg and did pretty well this summer. 157 is his optimal weight.

Quote from Mark Niemann's post:


Quote from Nick Lecklider's post:

"It’s absolutely a tough cut. Tom Ryan has mentioned it on different occasions. He is making the cut for the team. He will 100 percent be 157 next year. Sasso is doing it to make the best lineup for the team. Did you watch the match? Hats off to Henson but sasso was absolutely gassed in the second period. He wins pretty comfortably if he had a gas tank. I think it’s time to re-evaluate him going to 157 this season. That version of sasso is hard to watch. If he goes to 157 we will get to see a much better version and he actually has a chance at a national title."

I did watch. Straight-legged from the 2nd period on. I was unaware TR has mentioned Sasso’s cut. Until now, I assumed Sasso was cutting like most wrestlers typically cut."

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

Rex: I appreciate the compliment. I'm good at noticing what is wrong in a general manner. But you understand the details. I'm so glad you chimed in.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

I just don’t understand…if 157 is his best weight then why not go 157? What’s the upside for the lineup as it is now? Clearly I’m not in the room or in the know, but from the outside looking in 149, 157 and 165 all would be better wrestlers up a weight. Why not move up and challenge. I think Smith and Kharchla would be a great bout. Who knows how good Klarchla would be at a more natural weight? And if he can’t beat Smith, then he sits a year. It’s. It the end of the world that someone might be a backup to an All American for one season.

I would understand if tOSU was in the hunt for an NCAA title, if those points had the potential to put them over the top. But that’s not the case. You’re talking about the difference between seventh and fourth. So what?get everyone healthy and strong and prepare to make a run in a year or two with the fantastic underclassmen you’ve got on the roster.

Am I missing something?

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

"Am I missing something?"
Nope. I think you're spot on.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

On bucknuts someone mentioned that Virginia tech won the toss and tactically chose to start at 149 because it is known the three (sasso paddy and kharchla)cut hard and it would be advantageous to give them the least recovery time.

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Discussion Topic: Va. Tech v. TOSU
Jeff Fortman added to this discussion on November 12, 2022

Not to be over critical of their 1st match but "good for the team" is going to do little if you aren't able to win.

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