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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Ethan Moore added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

Iowa controlled the dual. No shame in that for the Buckeyes.

Iowa is VERY good. They are always pushing the action. They controlled the third period in almost every match, indicating superior conditioning and mential preperation.

This is absolutely not a knock on OSU. They were game. They competed hard. Colt was amazing. J.D. looked great. Weakely wrestled with a ton of heart.

As of now, Iowa is on another level.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Jack Muni added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

Yeah, Colt was amazing; worth the $8 price of admission. Other that 174, we were in every match. We won the ones we were supposed to, 165, 184 & 285, but those "toss-up" ones killed us. Didn't we score 1st at 133, 141 & 157? Thought Palmer did OK, but never threatened Metcalf with a TD. Lance must have fought off 4 or 5 of Metcalfs high crotch leg attacks. Humphrey & Jaggers seemed to falter at the end of the matches (too much weight loss?) And a special shout out to John Weakley who gave a gutsy OT performance, losing only by criteria of the 7 seconds. of riding time the Iowa kid had over him. But all in all they hung tough against #1 Iowa. I hope they bounce back next weekend. Penn State will want revenge for the loss we gave them at National Duals. Someone last week made the comment that #15 ranking for Colt will be the highest of his college career; that is so true!!

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

Revwrestling has Colt ranked at #9--which is crazy simply because he's only beaten one ranked wrestler--Gross. That being said, he's the real deal and a viable AA candidate. It's not that I don't think he's 9th best; it's just that he hasn't proven it.

Bucks didn't embarrass themselves but weren't able to pull off that one momentum changing win.

Bergman, Pucillo, Palmer and Sponseller look to be the best wrestlers on this squad right now.

Jaggers and Hump are talented but the weight cut shows in every dual meet. They don't fade due to lack of hard work; they fade because they lack calories. Same for Picazo. Hump giving up a double leg when he had a standing front head is something that would never happen if he were up a weight class.

Weakley needs to learn how to handle scrambles and how to clear arms. No lack of guts but he should have won this match.

Johnstone lacks power although not as badly as last season.

Triggas has improved since the Kent dual. He's still finding his identity on his feet. He kind of reminds me of a young Keaton Anderson. Tough on top but he needs to improve at the takedown game.

Ref Jim Ramirez helped out the Bucks a bit tonite but it didn't stop Iowa.

I didn't care that Brands was out on the mat. It didn't change the match.

Hail to Ohio fans for showing up over 4000 strong for a college match. We had 2500 for Kent v OSU as well. Good to see the state taking notice of our collegiate programs.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Steve Lester added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

I watched at a sports bar. No sound unfortunately so I wasn't able to hear Chertow (or Hellickson later).

I'd like to hear more on this match from the experts out there. No one has talked about technique so far other than one comment about how Iowa made their shots count.

Jaggers found himself in the position of trying to funk out of shots and couldn't do it. Galling outcome.
You're all aware of the Metcalf "motor" talk. I'd been thinking about Palmer's motor and wondered if he had ever taken a "lung" timeout against anyone. Well we saw it tonight. First, though, was the remarkable first period in that Palmer tied up with Metcalf just about the whole 3 minutes. Has anyone done that with Brent Metcalf for a first period? Is anyone able to do it? I think in retrospect that was a mistake, but it was sure interesting. After the first period and mid-second "lung" timeout, an observor had to put Palmer's chances at exactly zero this time around.
Another galling outcome. Technique!
What happens if (actually, when) Sponseller gets physically stronger next year?
Keddy looks like another name to add to the mix at this weight.
You got to think Weakley will begin winning these types of matches. Wait to next year. Except for one OT rideout (and kudos on that one), Beatty's escapes were instantaneous.
Got to see Fields for the first time in the Eds gym and he reminded me of Bergman. Last night he looked like a "poor man's" version. He was hard to ride but showed little offense on his feet (unlike J.D.).


So what did we see last night? Better wrestlers (stronger, quicker)? Better technique? Better conditioning? A bit of all? And how is it to be addressed?

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Jack Muni added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

Hank, I was glad they brought in an NCAA championship caliber ref, not a local guy, but he did seem to give OSU some nice "breaks". He did a good job. My only beef was that Jaggers had LeClere in the same position Askren had Herbert in, with his leg holding his guy down on his back, and never got the TD + back points that Askren got in his NCAA finals match. I'm starting to think Humphrey & Jaggers would do better at 141/149, but what happens to Palmer (157?), and who goes 133?

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Roe Fox added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

Quote from Jack Muni's post:

"... I'm starting to think Humphrey & Jaggers would do better at 141/149, but what happens to Palmer (157?), and who goes 133?"

And Nemec and Jameson, also, if those moves are made next year.

Looks like the Bucks aquitted themselves well. I know its a alot of "what ifs" but the score could have been remarkably closer with a couple of breaks, like Picazo just staying off his back. The cut must just be too much. Weakley (great to see that he had the juice late) winning turns around 6 more points. As the captain, upperclassman and higher ranked wrestler, Jaggers has to get the win for the team to take a match like this.

I really had a feeling Palmer would win. I think he does next time.

The good news is that two years ago we grab maybe two wins... and 600 fans.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

A couple thoughts based on what I'm reading...

Steve: I watched Metcalf make Josh Churella look silly at National Duals by forcing him backward every second of the match. The score was close but Churella was made to look as if he was stalling. And you can't score when you're constantly moving backwards. Palmer is the only wrestler this season to hold a spot on the mat against Metcalf. Unfortunately, this wore him out. But running backwards gets you stall calls. Pick your poison.

Metcalf is an obvious step above everyone else at the weight class (Palmer, O'Connor, Jenkins, Burroughs, Churella) with only Dustin possibly possessing the skill to beat him. Quite frankly, my money's on Metcalf in that matchup as well. One spladle when Metcalf was going half speed is all that stands between Metcalf and a perfect season.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Steve Lester added to this discussion on January 19, 2008

"Pick your poison"

A third option, tried with some success in the Dapper Dan by Matt Dragon, is to attack as Metcalf moves forward. The problem is Metcalf is so good with counters. I imagine, with the Hawks coaching of Metcalf, even what Dragon was able to achieve would be much more difficult now.

Looking forward to seeing Schlatter and Metcalf go at it. The world has always seemed to have to wait for this to happen.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 20, 2008

Matt Dragon's slick Duck/High C worked when Metcalf was in high school. Metcalf is a much different wrestler. His positioning has changed as has his offensive style.

Palmer had the right strategy. He kept Metcalf in the center and slowed his offense. For him to win this matchup he needs to be able to ride Metcalf and find one takedown. He also has to keep himself from getting taken down more than once. I think Palmer needs to work on the same shot that Keaton Anderson picked up his senior season--an elbow post to a head outside single. It works best later in the match. It also worked well for Anderson because he usually had the lead. This forced his opponents to be more aggressive. He'd catch them reaching, post the elbow, hit his shot and score.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 20, 2008

"Glad they brought in a NCAA championship caliber ref, not a local guy"..interesting comment.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on January 20, 2008

He didn't call a terrible match, but the guy was far from perfect. I must say, with scrambling evolving into a new artfrom, I don't envy today's officials. That scramble that led to first takedown in the LeClere/Jaggers match was incredible, and I've seen officials who would have butchered that call.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 20, 2008

I know Jim pretty well and actually called him to chat about a few of the things that happened in that match.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Cliff Cahill added to this discussion on January 21, 2008

match like that in Big Ten with so much at stake and on TV and in front of Chewtaw - why only one stripped shirt

there was more than one instant with clock that another zibra would have helped

I thought he allowed Iowa to get away with murder on the start elbow contact requirement

And to allow Brands to inteminate him after he quickly gave him a warning then Brands come back into his face ON the mat and does nothing leading to more and more of Brands tactics. In some venues that take their wrestling more seriously than OSU fans I have heard tells of such action by visiting coach causes riots. I think the ref should be fined for not throwing Brands out of the arena for going so far onto the mat so many times. But really who has the guts to take on Iowa. And Gene Smith was at the entire event and knows a lot about wrestling and setting out score table could have easly told ref to get his act together before I (Gene Smith) has a problem on my hands.

Otherwise the guy seem to present an in charge feel to the matches. It seemed like the Weakly match was terminated because of locking hands. I looked at the clock immediately after the call and it time had ran out. Another ref was surelly needed to make that call. Some reported it was riding time that terminated the match. What was the situation?

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 21, 2008


I was curious as to the takedown awarded Johnstone against Morningstar. Johnstone countered a single with an ankle pick. When they hit the mat, Johnstone has his hips higher and was able to come under both arms although his leg was stepped over. I wasn't sure that was two but could clearly hear the ref explain to Brands that the TD was awarded because he Johnstone had momentarily been under both arms--in spite of the fact his leg was trapped.

Was this "2" in your opinion?

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Discussion Topic: Ohio State v. Iowa
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 21, 2008


I called Jim to ask him about those TD's. He called two of them the exact same way. As I saw it on tv and on replay, it seemed to me that the hips were down more than up and yes, he was under the arms for a sec but in his opinion..that was a TD and life goes on.

I probably would of waited stating "I need more" before I would of awarded the 2 points.

the most interesting thing is that he allowed both coaches to come onto the mat a few times. That should of been a warning.

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