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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Rex Holman added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

There are a lot of themes being bandied about here. Cut Greco. Add more women’s weight classes. Change the rules. On and on. Each idea is centered on two themes growth and opportunity.

If you were to break it down and look at it objectively, then I think you can make some rational conclusions. Rational conclusions don’t necessarily benefit or encompass everyone. The goal is preservation of the sport and its’ continued growth.

FILAs mismanagement of the sport and the IOCs decision really brought to light the fundamental problems with wrestling as a sport and business. It is not marketed right and it is boring in its’ current form to the average observer. Most sports would be extinct following that model. Wrestling is on life support at the Olympic level.

CPy, you are absolutely right that the Olympics is a business, multibillions. Forget our romance of growing up with the Olympic ideals; rather it is a business, uber competitive.

Wrestling needs to grow and be marketable. How you achieve those goals and ensure its’ continued place in the Olympics and on television in general takes priority over anyone’s feelings.

If it stays on the continued path, then it will only appeal to a small percentage and continue to languish.

One thing I like about the UFC is that the rules are simple and offense is a priority, there are no arbitrary rules which make it difficult for the fan to assess. As far as rules go, wrestling needs to be similar. You have to be able to take your opponent down and turn him and score points for doing so. IF RPW had stayed around, their product would have continued to evolve and we might have a couple more answers to the marketability equation.

My perspective has changed. I do not want to hand the keys of the castle over to a Novogratz but rather create a product that is truly marketable and exciting. Evolving rules of the sport can accomplish this. Be it Freestyle, Greco or a universal rules system that gets more athletes and fans involved.

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Christian Pyles added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Great post Rex.

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

C-Py: 1, Mark: 0, Rex "The Philosophical Hammer" Holman: 1 assist.

Great moogally googally.

I still adhere to my idealistic stance (probably more out of stubornness than anything else): I am wrestling, do not weep for me! #NewShirtIdea

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Christian Pyles added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Quote from Mark Niemann's post:

"C-Py: 1, Mark: 0, Rex "The Philosophical Hammer" Holman: 1 assist.

Great moogally googally.

I still adhere to my idealistic stance (probably more out of stubornness than anything else): I am wrestling, do not weep for me! #NewShirtIdea"

No scoreboard necessary! Your perspective is admirable, just not realistic.

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Patrick Campbell added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Quote from Bob Preusse's post:


Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:

"Fans and you as well Bob, are entitled to their opinion. Just understand that those actually competing, coaching, or refereeing might not have the same view point or even find your points valid."

huh?? Patrick, thanks so much for granting fans & myself some rights, and thanks for the lecture about what we need to "just understand". --Are u in a position of authority where u speak to people this way?"

Yep....any other questions?

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Christian Pyles added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:


Quote from Bob Preusse's post:


Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:

"Fans and you as well Bob, are entitled to their opinion. Just understand that those actually competing, coaching, or refereeing might not have the same view point or even find your points valid."

huh?? Patrick, thanks so much for granting fans & myself some rights, and thanks for the lecture about what we need to "just understand". --Are u in a position of authority where u speak to people this way?"

Yep....any other questions?"

Curious as to why he sullies his mind discussing wrestling with lowly fans such as I?

Surely there's a more exclusive message board for the elite who are "in the know."

Is this you Patrick?


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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Patrick Campbell added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

I'm pretty sure we have never met Christian. Bob and I joust all of the time. I love getting the old guy's dander up. When we meet or at the very least you spend some more time on the forum...you can call it like you see it ;-)

No, that kid could be my son ;-)

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Christian Pyles added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:

"I'm pretty sure we have never met Christian. Bob and I joust all of the time. I love getting the old guy's dander up. When we meet or at the very least you spend some more time on the forum...you can call it like you see it ;-)

No, that kid could be my son ;-)"

Fair enough. I guess I didn't catch onto the tone..

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Quote from Christian Pyles's post:


Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:

"I'm pretty sure we have never met Christian. Bob and I joust all of the time. I love getting the old guy's dander up. When we meet or at the very least you spend some more time on the forum...you can call it like you see it ;-)

No, that kid could be my son ;-)"

Fair enough. I guess I didn't catch onto the tone.."

Stick around. You'll notice he often lays it on pretty think.

All in all, C-Py, 99.9% of the post-ers on here are just down right great dudes. (And one or two dudettes thrown in for flare.) Most of us have differing opinions on things, but we are a unique community. You'll fit in nicely.


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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Patrick Campbell added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Quote from Mark Niemann's post:

Stick around. You'll notice he often lays it on pretty think."

Ahh, but to be fair...only with Bob and Hank ;-)

I commended Christian's write-up on last week's competition. It was very well done!

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on May 30, 2013

Harry Lester has every right to voice his frustration/anger over anyone's willingness to cut Greco. Were I in his shoes, I'd certainly feel the same way. He knows how hard he's worked. He understands the commitment it takes to excel at the highest level. Not only has he maintained this commitment for years but he knows many others that have done the same. It must hurt a great deal to see people within the wrestling community expressing a willingness to dash the dreams of many extraordinarily dedicated wrestlers, coaches and all around fine people.

Unfortunately, the sport as a whole finds itself in a bad spot due not to the competitors and coaches but the ineptitude and corrupt nature of FILA and the IOC. Neither governing body has done it's job well or justly. The IOC should recognize the importance of wrestling implicitly. It is so obviously a core sport as it exemplifies the very nature of competition. FILA was run by a guy from Switzerland. That says it all.

I respect Harry's comments. I also appreciate the lucid remarks made by Rex and Christian (among others). I will now go back to watching River Monsters and texting Patrick Campbell.

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on July 7, 2013

latest World Greco rankings, US a measly showing-- 2 guys only ranked and very low: Spenser Mango ranked 13th at 55kg, Jordan Holm 14th at 84 kg.

as General Patton said, "Americans will not tolerate a loser." Maybe its not as it should be or maybe it is, however its just how this country is.

local hero Harry aka Justin Lester can bring some glory home perhaps.

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Discussion Topic: new FR & Greco proposed rules
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on July 8, 2013

Spend a couple days away working on a bathroom renovation and miss all the great discussions. New rules are an improvement but the 7 pt tech and win with 2 3pt move are stupid.

For the Greco/FS debate. I don't enjoy watching Greco but it did have the most exciting match I've ever witnessed. Given the choice, I'd watch FS ever time over Greco but don't think any concessions should be made when it comes to dropping one or the other.

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