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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Rick Wasmer added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

How in the world did that guy not get a stalling warning in the first period wrestling Orndorff?

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Dude did stall and got dinged once but it was too late in match.

Malik another bonus point win. It is working out he lost
Koontz is finished
Demilio a very unspectacular win where he got behind 4-1 against a northern Kentucky kid.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Alex Creech added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Dang, you're too intense for me Nick, lol. it's just wrastlin.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Jason L. Jackson added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

DD actually had a kid from Nebraska Kearney. 5th in DII last year, so no slouch.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

I read n Kearney incorrectly as n Kentucky. Sorry about that.
Alex sorry for the intenseness. Will slow it down. Third best event of the year besides big tens and ncaas.
Ohio state should go 8-0 next round. Knock on wood. Then some rough semis. Still are in the team hunt. If paddy and Mendez wrestled they probably win easy. Really wanted to see what the freshman were made of. South Dakota state is having a great tourney also!

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Jeremy Park added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Keep it up Nick, I like the passion! I keep checking in for updates. Great commentary! Haha

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Rob Wagner added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Nick I like it.

A bad round for OSU here......

I know in recent years we all kinda "freak out" over an early season dual or open with some wrestlers, but Cliff Keen always seemed to bring us back down to earth and TR knows we all need to RELAX.

This year, this tournament is not the case. Yes I know, plenty of season left.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Quote from Rob Wagner's post:

"I know he gassed at the end, but glad to see Smith avenge the loss to Lenny Wolak."

Something's up because he's not right at the moment.

Carson K went right into the SDSU kid's wheelhouse -- and paid for it.

Kaleb with another controlled but gritty W vs. Bolen of VT. Why they waved off K's second td I don't understand.

Malik continues to look good in consis.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

...and down goes #1 Schultz of ASU to Nevills of SDSU.

SDUS having themselves a TOURNEY!!!

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 7, 2022

I did get my dark horse pick right. That one hurts that Ohio state was so close to getting him. 125 is going to be a struggle next year.
Sasso looked better than ever. The one positive out of the tournament. He will be hard to beat in a tournament setting with more recovery time.
Just don’t think guys like demilio and heinselman and even Hoffman can all American this year. Just can’t pull together a string of wins consecutively in a row to do it. Tate never shows up until ncaas so not as worried about him. Ethan smith you never know what version of him you will get. Hopefully these medical forfeits were precautionary. Anyone know if there was any serious injuries?

Quote from Nick Lecklider's post:

"Richie figs is my pick to win it all. My dark horse of the tournament.

I can’t stand this coaching staff decesion making. I know it, you know it, the staff knows it. We are awful on bottom! People from Iowa and penn state know it. You are 0-0 with two minute riding time and it’s your choice. Pick NEuTRAL!!!!! Why put Malik on bottom at all?? Make the kid get a takedown. He wasn’t close in the first. You had a point locked up. Bad start for the buckeyes. Bad coaching!"

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 7, 2022

I did get my dark horse pick right. That one hurts that Ohio state was so close to getting him. 125 is going to be a struggle next year.
Sasso looked better than ever. The one positive out of the tournament. He will be hard to beat in a tournament setting with more recovery time.
Just don’t think guys like demilio and heinselman and even Hoffman can all American this year. Just can’t pull together a string of wins consecutively in a row to do it. Tate never shows up until ncaas so not as worried about him. Ethan smith you never know what version of him you will get. Hopefully these medical forfeits were precautionary. Anyone know if there was any serious injuries?

Quote from Nick Lecklider's post:

"Richie figs is my pick to win it all. My dark horse of the tournament.

I can’t stand this coaching staff decesion making. I know it, you know it, the staff knows it. We are awful on bottom! People from Iowa and penn state know it. You are 0-0 with two minute riding time and it’s your choice. Pick NEuTRAL!!!!! Why put Malik on bottom at all?? Make the kid get a takedown. He wasn’t close in the first. You had a point locked up. Bad start for the buckeyes. Bad coaching!"

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on December 10, 2022

journalist friend of mine was in Vegas, i asked his opinion of ohio st, here goes verbatim in his words:

"Hmm. What do I sense regarding Buckeye wrestling? That early season injuries caught them in Vegas. That Nebraska is tough, and that Peyton Robb is the best kid at the weight. That Kharchla will never win an NCAA title. That Ohio State needs this redshirt freshman heavyweight Feldman.Orndorff won't AA again.

That Hoffman sure got a lucky draw at the NCAAs and won't AA again. Heinselman is a Round of 12 guy at best. Romero could place 3-4. Mendes could AA, but not top 4. He was a no-show, as was Gallager. Sasso might make finals. he needs offense, which he showed a bit more in Vegas, but still, he won title bout against a BIG Parco relying on his defense and sit-on-the-butt work after guys got in on his legs. That won't beat Yianni.

Buckeyes definitely have slipped a notch, and I don't know if thats permanent, or a phase. They were second in Vegas the past two years, but were far far away this year."

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on December 10, 2022

Bob: I think much of that is accurate but I'd sure like to see Kharchla up a weight.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Jared Ball added to this discussion on December 11, 2022

The one thing I think we can all agree on is that the Bucks have not even been close to putting it all together yet. The question is will they? Can they avoid injuries. Can they demonstrate enough improvement and consistency to re enter the trophy conversation? This isn’t a specific issue that just Ohio State deals with. Iowa battled this problem all last year. In specific cases, Yanni took a collegiate loss and has continued to not display the same level of success internationally. Spencer Lee even looked a little human against a back up. Nothing is guaranteed, and no one wins NCAA titles in December. Congrats to Nebraska, Northern Iowa, and SDSU on stellar performances in Vegas. They capitalized this past weekend

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