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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:

"Roe, I was only refering to the fact that hopefully the kid has parents that will do the right thing and help give him guidance through the situation. As to the rest of Wingnut's point. I will say, he is lucky, Chris seems like an unpstanding young man. But, a lot of good parents have kids that make bad decisions. A lot of bad parents have great kids. If only the world could be reduced to a predictable algorythm as Gary illudes too. Unfortunately in life, A + B does not always equal C. If it did, we would have about no problems in this life. Some things are predictable and some are not. Guys like Gary live in a strange illusion that everything is tangible. Everything is not."

"predictable"? Never said that, but you knew that already. Nice try, though. "tangible"? More so than you kids want to admit. But by denying it you create ready-made excuses.

Because things are not as predictable and rosy as we would all like doesn't mean you abdicate your role as a parent in good times or in bad.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Brian Nicola's post:


Quote from Rob Wagner's post:

"Yeah, girl passes out after sorority event still in her dress? Although I am only about 1 week removed from college, I can still comprehend this chick was probably wasted too.

Her and Visconti were most likely "shack buddies" as well call it these days, and he was a little drunk and wanted to see his sorority pal. She probably left the door unlocked for him and if she did pass out, she did so while waiting for him to come to the room.

She probably just freaked out when she was awoken to a guy climbing in her bed since she couldnt even see his face, and was too tipsy to remember she had a "friend" coming to the room.

Who knows I could be way off, but being in school long enough this is just what I get from this story.
There have been multiple "rape" allegations I have heard in college, most of them get dropped or blown out of proportion."

Your massive reasoning jumps are flawed. Regardless of if she was falling-down-drunk, or even if she knew this guy, it doesn't hold weight. Its the old "you dress like a slut, you must want to be raped" arguement...weak (at best), foolish and sexist (at worst)."

Not to mention his comment that they "were most likely shack buddies" is completely unsupported at this point. Crap like him is why (a) guys rape and (b) girls are hesitant to report it.

Okay, maybe not the only reason why and why not, but certainly does not help anything.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Patrick Campbell added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Gary Sommers's post:

Because things are not as predictable and rosy as we would all like doesn't mean you abdicate your role as a parent in good times or in bad."

Who advocated that Wingnut? Please get ticked-off and take your toys and go away again. That is when we like you best.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Gary Sommers's post:

"I am out.

Guys, keep thinking Smith had nothing to do with this, and I will be back when he is gone."

Did I miss breaking news from Ohio State?

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Brian Mathews added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Josh Lowe's post:

"I hope no one here is trying to defend the young man's behavior - it's clearly wrong and something a Division I athlete, or heck any college student, should not be doing.

Even though it's hard to tell from the thread at times, I assume the discussion is on a more technical level - guilt vs. non-guilt in court, university disciplinary processes, etc.


I wanted to make sure it didn't appear as if I was defending his behavior. I was basically only addressing the charge of rape/sexual assault, and looking at a few parts of the story that don't really add up to me.

IMO he should be off the team permanently. If he's proven not guilty in court, he can certainly continue academically at tOSU. But if he's guilty, we're talking about serious jail time.

I assume quite a few of you know about what happened to Jordan Holm?

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Patrick Campbell's post:


Quote from Gary Sommers's post:

Because things are not as predictable and rosy as we would all like doesn't mean you abdicate your role as a parent in good times or in bad."

Who advocated that Wingnut? Please get ticked-off and take your toys and go away again. That is when we like you best."

Well, I suggested what could be done by the parents and got silly commments from you for it.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Gary Sommers's post:

"I am out.

Guys, keep thinking Smith had nothing to do with this, and I will be back when he is gone."

Did I miss breaking news from Ohio State?

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

I try to stay away from topics like these because my knee-jerk reactions is to believe the female and honestly, until all the facts come out any judgement against either one of them is premature. If he did the things described, there is no punishment too harsh as far as I'm concerned. If he's being falsely accused, then she's spitting in the face of real victims of sexual assault and rape.

I found Rob Wagner's post particularly disturbing.

I think one thing that we can all agree on though, is that Gary is a liar.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Matt Hall added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

A few days back I posted how much I enjoyed this website. Well, let me tell you what I don't like... I don't like wading through a thread of posts from people calling other posters "wingnut". I also, don't like reading for the 100th time "did I hear breaking news...". I'm sorry but this is getting old. Many of you might not agree with Gary's opinions or that he broke his promise not to come back to this site but... come on... skip the tasteless name calling and get back to your passionate and informative posts about wrestling.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Not to nitpick, Matt, because - and I'm sure I speak for almost everybody on this site - we'd love to read your input on the topics, but...

The actual phrase is, "Did I miss breaking news from Ohio State?" You typed, "did I hear breaking news..."

And the great news is, I only post in one situation!

As for this particular thread, I agree with Michael Rodriguez, as I learned my lesson with the Duke Lacrosse case. I said string those guys up out of shear anger at the fact that she could have been my daughter.

Well, a great deal of time has passed and guess what... the boys were ruled innocent. Now, they could have "gotten away with one" but from what I read on the case, I was wrong.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Don Bork added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Mark, excellent example is the Duke case. Presumption of innocence, I would hope, is the most important point to remember here, and as for parental responsibility, they have taken the first step in hiring a lawyer for their son. Now to do all they can to be sure the truth comes out and that he receives a fair trial. So many are prepared to punish and yet not a soul on this forum, including myself, know the facts. And our fan from TSUN showed up like clockwork.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

As a graduate of TSUN, may I remind everyone that one's Alma Mater has nothing to do with the validity of one's opinions. I don't assume all Buckeye grads are inveterate gamblers just because Art Schlichter was once your QB.

Nor do I think all of you have anger issues...like your beloved Woody.

And I don't have a drinking problem...like Gary Moeller. Or not as big a problem. At least I don't think so. One step at a time...

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Don Bork added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

No offense meant to you Hank,or any other TSUN fan, I was speaking of one in particular who makes a habit of showing up with no intent other than to attempt to downgrade all that is TOSU.

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

"... I don't assume all Buckeye grads are inveterate gamblers just because Art Schlichter was once your QB.

I'll bet you don't! ;-)

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Discussion Topic: Student upset at how OSU handled sexual-assault case involving wrestler
Patrick Campbell added to this discussion on May 10, 2012

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

" I don't assume all Buckeye grads are inveterate gamblers just because Art Schlichter was once your QB. "

I actually know the guy that introduced Art too his gambling habit... True Story.

Now, as for all tOSU grads having a temper like Woody, there could be a small amount of validity to that.

Having grown up 30 miles from campus and bleeding scarlet and grey, I like UofM just fine. But if the wingnut fits... (sorry Matt). Mostly, I just like how the word wingnut sounds. And it's a lot nicer word than many would like to use in reference to our forum troll.

Quote from Don Bork's post:

"Mark, excellent example is the Duke case. Presumption of innocence, I would hope, is the most important point to remember here, and as for parental responsibility, they have taken the first step in hiring a lawyer for their son. Now to do all they can to be sure the truth comes out and that he receives a fair trial. So many are prepared to punish and yet not a soul on this forum, including myself, know the facts. And our fan from TSUN showed up like clockwork."

Excellent points Mr. Bork! It's nice to hear an actual voice of reason :-)

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