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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on December 19, 2007

I'll quickly admit that some of my statements tip in the "outrageous" category regarding Sponseller and that Mr. Rodriguez says many of the same things I stated this summer.

But...what makes Sponseller special is his td skills and pace. I have little doubt that the strategy many employ against him will be to slow him down, keep him on bottom and wear him out. But it's not going to work that often because he's too good at what he does. Sponseller will always wrestle a frenetic go-go-go style and it's going to beat alot of people right away. He is the type of guy that will beat big names because his style allows this to happen. I don't think the Bucks staff will try to change what he does when it is so successful.

Obviously, the next month of the season--particularly national duals--will give us a much better barometer as to where Sponseller stands in terms of the D1 comp. One certainty--his presence is huge for the Bucks lineup. He and Triggas are both giving tOSU a lot as true frosh.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Jack Muni added to this discussion on December 19, 2007

You know, Triggas is quietly going about his business. He got beat early by ranked Maldonado & Flores, but he continues to win and improve. He always looks for the back points, always. His match against ranked KSU on Jan. 4 will be a good indicator of his progress as he heads into a brutal Big Ten schedule.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Scott Nicola added to this discussion on December 19, 2007

Just a small factoid: Triggas beat Kent 125 Nick Bedlyon is the semis of senior nationals (I believe by major or tech). I'm sure both wrestlers have improved leaps and bounds by then.

Sponseller is a freakin beast who will only get stronger as the year goes on.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Dan Ransick added to this discussion on December 19, 2007

Sponseller starting late in the year maybe a good thing for him. I like the way Ohio State has the schedule set up this year taking a long break before the Big 10 season hits full swing. This allows the team to get the rest it needs to get the bodies ready for the grind of the Big 10.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Jason Franks added to this discussion on December 22, 2007

I have full confidence and faith in Colt unlike a few of you who doubt his abilities and speak out of both sides of your mouth. I've known Colt since he was knee high to a grasshopper and I can assure everyone that he has what it takes to more than overcome and conquer most any adversity or set back that comes his way. He has the abilities, talent, endurance, fenominal attitude, mental and physical conditioning to be the best, he is self motivated and doesn't need a coach to push him or tell him to work hard to do all the extra stuff that it takes to be a champion, he is a rare breed no doubt. I also dare say that his conditioning is also far superior than most any other wrestler in his weight class and he could easily go the whole long grueling season without skipping a beat and he wouldn't have even needed a late start to do so. Another point I would like to make is that Donar may have ridden Colt for 2 minutes in the second period but Colt turned around and rode him for 2 minutes completely erasing any riding time that Donar accumulated. The one point that Donar had was given to him as Colt kicked him in the first. I for one plan on hopefully going to Columbus in January to root Colt on to a victory as he may wrestle Perry unlike some of you whom's whole mission seems to be to tear him down.

Go Spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bucs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <sign_oh>

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

Jason: We're all excited that Colt's in the lineup. We're just having a discussion as to what are reasonable expectations for his season.

Just curious: What do you think it's reasonable to expect from him this year?

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

Clearly, a reasonable expectation for Sponseller is 4X undefeated NCAA champion, while wrestling freestyle in the summer and winning World titles in the off-season and taking off his senior season for an Olympic red-shirt so he can win Gold. Then, coming back for his red-shirt senior season to smash Sanderson's record. If you don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that is what he's going to do, then you're tearing him down.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Dan Cosimi added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

Nobody is tearing Colt down here. I don't know what you're talking about with that. Everyone here wishes Colt success but we - well, most of us - realize that college wrestling is incredibly tough and it would be unrealistic to expect Colt, who is now only four matches into his college career, to buzzsaw through every single top-level opponent. As much as I would like it to happen, history and logic say it won't. I agree with you that he will be an excellent college wrestler though. Let's see how he does before we jump to bigger conclusions.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Tom Elmer added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

Mr Rodriguez is being funny( I think).Colt is a talented wrestler who has just begun his career in the brutal Big 10. Aint nothing wrong with fans wishing him well and having high expectations for him but we shall see one match at a time. Seasons Greetings OW.NET fans.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Jason Franks added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

The comment about tearing him down was out of line I was just blowing off steam because I was frustrated. Some of you seemed to be real positive and upbeat but a few of you seemed to express a little doubt. One person in particular didn't seem to have one good thing to say and I can't figure why. I'm also waiting patiently to see how his NCAA career turns out, it's going to be interesting but in the mean time I want to say encouraging things that will build him up not that he really needs it from me but I'm ANTICIPATING great things not EXPECTING them (big difference). I have no idea what to expect but I'm anticipating good things with much excitement. Most of you were just exploring all the what if's and that's great, but one person came accross as just being negetive.

Go Spoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <sign_oh> <sign_io>

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Don Bork added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

TOSU's coaches made the right move in getting Sponseller into the lineup.This was, without question, the Bucks weakest weight class. It is now one in which, I think, we can compete with anyone in the country and makes us a much better dual meet and tournament team. As far as expectations for Colt, I think he can finish top four in the Big Ten and win at least two matches at the NCAA's. I say this with the thought of not expecting too much from a true freshman who is just getting his feet wet in the big pond of NCAA wrestling. I also hope that I find my expectations fall well short of his actual achievement. <sign_oh> <sign_io>

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on December 23, 2007

Jason...In the love-fest that is Ohio State fans and their team, a reasonable opinion often seems negitive.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on December 24, 2007

Quote from Michael Rodriguez's post:

"Jason...In the love-fest that is Ohio State fans and their team, a reasonable opinion often seems negitive."

That's brilliant.

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Ken Ramsey Sr. added to this discussion on December 24, 2007

Michael Rodriquez and Bitter-runner-up sure sound like one in the same, is that correct?

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Discussion Topic: Some Buckeye Comments
Vince DiSabato added to this discussion on December 24, 2007

Yes Kenny, Michael Rodriguez and Bitter Runner up are the same SCHWNATZ!!! All I can say is that his wife just like my mother is going straight to heaven.

Let's face it, the man doesn't care to make his wrestlers better because of his own ego trip. Not once have I seen him alter his style or approach for the kid

I have often asked him on not only this website but others, don't be Bitter just be Better. To no avail. What a waste.

Ken you will appreciate this...I recently shared some time with Aaron Schetter who is now coaching at Vincent Warren. He was talking to me in front of his daughter about his situation at the new school. Iimmediately asked him iof he had spent too much time under Russ. He was blown away. Kids don't need to hear what they don't know. It only reinforces fear and angst. How on earth can one win when they are told how bad they are?

Your son was beautiful when I coached him. Yes, I broke him down but he was also built up at the same time. It made Kenny ready for college. He never had a better State perfomance. Yes it is true that he was for all puposes Kenny was all I had but he was ready. And you most likely drove Karen nuts while at the States, when we were playing Putt Putt and kept Kenny out of the gym he was relaxed and loose.

More importantly it was tough for Kenny. Take a state champ and reshape him for his future. I admire Kenny for his desire to be better. Not many kids would comply. He did! I love Kenny for that. I also love your family for the sacrafices that you all made for Kenny. I am so proud of him and what he is accomplishing now. And to think he called me and asked me about an NAIA job in Arizona....Second in the nation in his first year. I know that you are also proud Ken. I also have seen the best side of you now as a grandfather...relaxed and loving as well as proud. Bless you and Karen.

Merry Christmas to you and to Karen and all of yours.


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