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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Freddy Carr added to this discussion on January 14, 2022

OSU may be getting their butts whipped, but at least they have a beautiful arena in which to get their butts kicked. :-)

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Drew Taylor added to this discussion on January 14, 2022

Hubbard is really close right now and I think he can get there by the end of the year and start notching wins over these top 15-20 competitors.

He suffers from mental lapses and suspect conditioning, which are related and also fixable.

That last TD attempt wasn't good enough.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Freddy Carr added to this discussion on January 14, 2022

Hubbard and Smith both looked very gassed in the final minute.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Matt Schein added to this discussion on January 14, 2022

Ugh! Smith had that match. You have to finish! Easy for me to say while I’m on my couch I know.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Quote from Matt Schein's post:

"Ugh! Smith had that match. You have to finish! Easy for me to say while I’m on my couch I know."

Logan Massa owns the Bucks. Smith needs to be better in a big match.

Suriano looked a weight class above Malik. There are only 1-2 guys at 125 who might be able to give Suriano any type of battle.

133 is the new 125 for the Bucks. They have struggled at this weight for 3 years. (Honestly, I'm surprised Decatur hasn't transferred).

141 Demilio gave one of the better efforts for the evening. I remember ten years ago watching Micic clobber Pletcher. He's very good. This was one of the few bouts where a Buckeye was fighting hard at the finish.

Hubbard is good at scoring early. Unfortunately, his ability to compete for 7 minutes and maintain good position is suspect. He has talent but that and a nickle will get you a nickle.

Kharchla is excellent but the entire country knows which leg he's attacking. He needs some sort of variance in his offense just so the Cael Sanderson's of the world can't scheme to beat him at NCAA's.

Romero wrestled his balls off last night. Best effort of the evening.

I watched Tate get crushed by Parris and I watched Lance from Nebraska get crushed by Steveson later in the evening. The difference? Lance never stopped fighting.

This team leaves me baffled. I can understand the loss. But they are just getting beat in too many positions. Even worse, too many of them seem to lack fight. Maybe I'm overreacing to one loss. But I didn't like how they performed in Vegas either. Oh well. Go Blue. The Wolves looked excellent.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Jared Ball added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Nick Suriano is a weird dude. I watched him warmup and then proceed to warm down for an hour after the dual. I texted Nieman about this. The best way I can describe it is a cross between Christian Bale’s character in American Psycho and the Ti-Chi exercising salesman from Vision quest. He is a space cadet, but outside of Vito I don’t think anyone else can go with him.
Watching the Michigan team was very odd. Make no mistake, this is the greatest Wolverine team ever assembled, and if they don’t push for a trophy this year, they never will. They are a team of mercenaries and professionals. There is no talking on the bench, no joking around, or looseness of any kind. They are what you would expect, senior level professionals. In my opinion, I think they will push Iowa for the best dual team in the country. I don’t think they have the horses to best Penn State in a tournament format though.
It appeared that the lower weights were not mentally ready to go. I don’t think a Wolverine had their legs even touched until D’Emilio split the middle on Micic. I’m going to go out on a limb and predict that Micic does not AA. He is undersized for the weight, and past his prime.
Sammy won but it was unimpressive. More unnerving is that Michigan exposed a scouting vulnerability with Sammy. In three years no one has managed to figure out how to combat Sammy’s single leg defense. Mattin showed how to finish on him without putting yourself at risk. That sit through finish is going to be exploited by better wrestlers who are more equipped to beat Sammy. It’s a concern, considering that’s a major part of his game. Let’s see how the staff adjusts.
Romero is there man!!! He had the Olympic Bronze medalist in a barn burner. He’s one of the few at the weight that can match the athleticism of Amine and Brooks.
More than anything I think this year represents the front end of the Covid exemption schools that are benefitting. Iowa and Michigan have the benefit this year. Next year it will be the Bucks turn. I have no idea who comes back for fifth and sixth years, but you can’t tell me with this young crop of studs coming in that OSU wouldn’t behoove itself to get Malik, Ethan, and Kaleb to go one more year…if they are willing.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Bruce Andrews added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:


Romero wrestled his balls off last night. Best effort of the evening. "

There was some terrific wrestling in that match, by both competitors.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Jared: Excellent observation regarding Mattin's finish attempts against Sammy. I noticed too and wondered why I hadn't seen others try it. However, Sammy is doing a better job with leg attacks. He's really good at finishing if he gets his hands locked.

Michigan's RTC has a lot of money and Ann Arbor is a very cool place to live. We are seeing a rise in wrestlers heading there for post grad training.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Doug Gainous added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Tough to watch. Bucks need new blood in the coaching. Everyone in the room is a "Ryan guy." Same stuff every year. Poor conditioning, poor mat wrestling. Poor development of highly recruited kids.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Jack Muni added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Totally enjoyed the Romero-Amine match. You knew it was going to be a one TD match. Kaleb almost pulled it out in that last scramble. One thing bothered me about the 141 match, and it happened twice. Micic shot a single, D'Emilio put in a shin wizard. As Micic tries to gain control he limp-arms out and goes behind. Don't most guys counter the limp arm by grabbing the wrist with their free hand then as the guys starts pulling his arm out they grab the bicep area with their other arm and try to straighten the opponents arm and either come out and face the guy or work into a merkle for the TD? Instead he just allows Micic to limp-arm out and go behind, twice. I have to put that one on the coaching staff.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

Quote from Doug Gainous's post:

"Tough to watch. Bucks need new blood in the coaching. Everyone in the room is a "Ryan guy." Same stuff every year. Poor conditioning, poor mat wrestling. Poor development of highly recruited kids."

Strong words. Do you think Ryan needs to go?

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Jared Ball added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

In TR we trust!! I do subscribe to the idea of diversity of thought, however. Group think is never an effective road to leadership, ownership, or whatever. Couldn’t you make the same argument about Iowa…Oklahoma State…heck even Penn State. Once you’ve coached for a bit you’re going to stockpile guys that are “your people”. I think they’re fine. You can point to technique or conditioning, or whatever. The bottom line is they just lost to the greatest Michigan team in history. A team with 2 Olympian’s, a national champion transfer, and a Covid aided roster. They were just better. To be honest, I think I was more pissed the last time we lost to them in the Schott when I thought we should’ve one. Everyone saw this coming.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

the truth hurts and the truth is Buckeyes havent benefited nearly as much as expected from the 1 & 2 ranked recruiting classes of 3 and 4 years ago--- only Sasso, Ethan Smith and, to an extent, Romero have paid off.

But sometimes a spade is just that, a spade. Is it a scouting failure or a development failure- or just some bad luck, or a measure of all 3 maybe?

Quite a few others have hung on without accomplishment- so far- disappointed or just departed leaving little evidence they were ever here.

i'm a Tom Ryan guy, a national title, FIVE seconds, some third & 4ths. OUT, ARE U KIIIIIIIDDING ME ??!! Before RYAN we were a program in a top 3 wrestling state without a face.

and don't forget WE DO have a new face, Logan Stieber on official staff last season first time. Im sure we got Boukokis, Mendes, Gonzales (and maybe even Ghallager & Feldman) much due to his repuation, panache and presence.

let's be critical but fair and hopeful. ... btw i think Karchala can definitely win it.

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Doug Gainous added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

I don't think Ryan needs fired. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just tired of the same old Buckeyes (Ryan era). If we have superior talent we have a shot but if not we can't seem to pull off the upset. The last dual upset I can think of is when Derek Garcia upset st John to beat Iowa....And that just brings up another big time recruit that didn't reach potential (Garcia)

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Discussion Topic: OSU dual Friday vs. The Grad School of Michigan, Penn State, Rutgers, Northwestern, and Princeton
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on January 15, 2022

i get your point Doug....

re Derek Garcia he ruined his knee playing footbaLL his high school senior year, i knew that possibility before he enrolled.. imo thats in the bad luck category..

more bad luck, didnt get a break, had great team, could have edged Penn St in Cleveland, but they didnt... i get it, but 134 points wins 85 or 90% of NCAA's.

one of those 2nds, to Iowa, we lost by 3 or 4 when in Saturday morn wr backs Iowa received 3 FFs, i believe thats 4 pts each. Each counts as a pin more VERY bad luck

(and then there was 2020 NCAA cancelled. Kellen Moore & Pletcher, 2 one seeds, we could have had a trophy i think, how bad was tHAT luck ??)

yes this team very disapointing, so far, i said that myself. no disagreement from me.. im still a Ryan man

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