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Discussion Topic: tOSU vs Rutgers 2/6
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on February 6, 2022

Hoffman has wrestled better this season and certainly against Max Dean and Jacob Warner. When you learn to compete hard all the time, you're more dangerous.

Aside--I've never been a big fan of the stall call but Orndorff chased his opponent all over the mat, constantly took the risks and got no stall calls in his favor (except for the out of bounds thing near the end). How could you not hit his opponent for stalling?

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Discussion Topic: tOSU vs Rutgers 2/6
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on February 6, 2022

Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:

"How could you not hit his opponent for stalling?"

That's like asking how many licks to get the center of a tootsie pop.

The world may never know.

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Discussion Topic: tOSU vs Rutgers 2/6
Jeff Fortman added to this discussion on February 6, 2022

Couple of great matches from the bucks, from what i caught in the highlights. Good to see Rocky Jordan get a win against a quality opponent. Really wish we would have seen him be more of a factor overall but awesome to see a win.

I am till a little surprised to see some of the scores from Sasso this year. I had expected him to really blaze through this year. Great record but very close matches. It's been mentioned here before as in Jaggers Case, struggled but blazed through the tournament when it really counted. Easy for me to look back and comment since i'm not the one wrestling the top competition in the country though lol.

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Discussion Topic: tOSU vs Rutgers 2/6
Jared Ball added to this discussion on February 6, 2022

Sammy has definitely been winning ugly against opponents you would have thought he would have widened the gap on. He gets everyone’s best each time out. It’s going to become increasingly difficult for him to score off of his single leg defense. Folks in the Big Ten know they can stay in the match if they don’t shoot on him. Sammy has never been a prolific leg attacker, but it’s becoming more and more apparent that his offense has not progressed to an elite level yet, like a Yanni or Nick Lee, etc. As Jagger’s said, he’s just a winner.
Todays dual demonstrated the depth that comes with being an elite level program like Ohio State. How many programs could substitute three or four starters and still beat a top twenty team? Not many. Not even Oklahoma State. Impressive and a credit to the coaching staff

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Discussion Topic: tOSU vs Rutgers 2/6
Rex Holman added to this discussion on February 9, 2022

Hoffman has the eye of the tiger. He is hungry to win.

I am seeing a guy that maybe lacks the confidence in a couple skill sets but is figuring them out as he moves forward.

Against Dean he scored late into the third period and then was able to choreograph a ride until time expired. Huge accomplishment. That speaks volumes from my vantage. Against Bulsak, again scores late in the match for a win this time against a top ten guy.

His conditioning is excellent; needs to clean up his game so that he does not give up the early score while still maintaining his rate and quality of attack.

I won't be surprised if 6-7 of the top 8 finishes at NCAAs are from the Big Ten. Amos while a stud in his own right is learning the difficulty of collegiate wrestling in the Big Tens. The only easy day was yesterday and it was'nt exactly easy.

Also, while I don't condone the rubber knee for a big man. Very impressive that he is able to do this against other wrestlers. I would much rather see a conventional defense that does'nt jeopardize the integrity of a joint. But, you learn whatever someone is teaching.

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