Discussion Topic: Ferrari on the move
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on July 15, 2022
Quote from Drew Taylor's post:
"Does this open a spot in Ok State’s lineup for Sonny Sasso?"
Good point but if Brian is correct, he's probably going to stay away.
Discussion Topic: Ferrari on the move
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on July 15, 2022
Indications are this is just the tip of the iceberg for Oklahoma state. John smith may be forced to resign is speculation. The transfer portal may get flooded quick.
Discussion Topic: Ferrari on the move
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on July 15, 2022
Quote from Nick Lecklider's post:
"Indications are this is just the tip of the iceberg for Oklahoma state. John smith may be forced to resign is speculation. The transfer portal may get flooded quick."
That's sad news if accurate. Smith is an icon. One would hope he'd go out as a hero.
Discussion Topic: Ferrari on the move
Brian Nicola added to this discussion on July 15, 2022
Not to get into the weeds on this, but social media posts are packing the internet from Okie State women...including scores of screenshots from A.J. Ferrari DMs. It's pretty nasty stuff. Additionally, there are stories that dorm RA's have been telling women to not be in a room with him alone.