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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Christopher Henderson added to this discussion on October 14, 2021

Maybe it's mental, but I was just looking at Snyder's body language. Snyder was so much more aggressive and didn't look tired when he was winning world titles. Now, he looks a little tired and slower right from the start. Especially in the world semi-final. Judging by the way Kyle wrestles now, he doesn't quite look like his young self. Maybe he is training too hard or too much and needs some time to recover.

If other wrestlers have figured out Snyder, then he should try to figure out his competitors. That's what is so amazing about guys like Dake and Burroughs. Always evolving and looking for new advantages.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Scott Nicola added to this discussion on September 16, 2022

I'm just gonna leave this here...

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on September 18, 2022

John Smith, Jordan Burroughs & Bruce Baumgartner all have the most compelling arguments for THE GOAT.

John Smith 6 consecutive and 2 Olympic Golds. JB most Golds(6 worlds and 1 Olympic) and 10 medals in 11 years. Bruce B 4 Olympic medals (2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze) and 9 world medals --- and it is really splitting hairs to pick 1.

Shoot, if Dake holds of JB, wins Olympic Gold and then picks up 2 more world titles, does he pass JB?

Snyder has 4 Gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze - and is only 26!!!!

These are good "problems" for the USA to finally have!!

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on September 18, 2022

Looking at Bruce B's medals. Every year from 1983 to 1996 he medaled -- except 1991. Did he compete and not medal or was he not on that team? I believe it was the former but can't recall.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Shawn Andrews added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

I found this chart to be helpful, more reinforcement that we are in the golden age of Mens American Freestyle wrestling


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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Ben Golden added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

I love Burroughs, but have a hard time crowning him over Smith. Very different eras, so I'm not positive I feel a need to name one as greatest of all time. The fact that Burroughs is like 7 years older than Smith when Smith retired is meaningful. Both are great.

What is truly sad to me is that Sadulaev was not allowed to wrestle this year--and who knows about next year. This is a guy who is easy to root for and is making an excellent case at being considered the international GOAT. And he's robbed of a key opportunity because of something totally outside of his control. I feel for the guy quite a bit.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

Ben: Another victim of politics is Amir Yazdani, Iran. He drew Mitch Finesilver (an American representing Israel) 1st round and was forced to forfeit. Iranian wrestlers can't compete against Israeli athletes or they risk severe consequences from their government. He was the reigning World Silver Medalist.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Ben Golden added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

That's true, Hank. Seems like we hear about examples of Iranians being forced to forfeit to Israelis every year or so, and it's always rather heart-wrenching.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Ben Golden added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

BTW, my solution is for Sadulaev to defect to the USA and train at the Ohio RTC. Go get him, Coach Stieber.

I've got to say it's disheartening for me to see Dake go to the NLWC.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Christopher Henderson added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

Not a bad idea! The Iranian should defect to a free country too, if they don’t want their gold medal aspirations dashed because the might happen to face a Jew in the tournament.

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Discussion Topic: Jordan Ernest Burroughs "The GOAT"
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on September 19, 2022

Quote from Christopher Henderson's post:

"Not a bad idea! The Iranian should defect to a free country too, if they don’t want their gold medal aspirations dashed because the might happen to face a Jew in the tournament."

Not all Israelis are Jewish. But if you're Jewsish, you can obtain citizenship regardless of where you reside.

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