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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Roe Fox added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

Quote from Roe Fox's post:


Quote from Hank Kornblut's post:


Quote from Jared Ball's post:

"Lineup update..DeSanto now listed as a potential. If he wrestled, money on him getting into it with someone in the crowd. The suffocating closeness of Covelli might trigger him."

Someone make sure Dan Ransick is in attendance."

I’ll be there: six rows back. I just hope the little kid next to last week is home."

DeSanto teched Koontz before I could work my magic.

Great environment last night. Iowa is not as good as they think and the Buckeyes are not as bad as they looked last week.

Heinselman, D’Emilio, and Hubbard gave the team a real chance to win the dual. DD not only kept it close but was game to the end.

Orndorf’s throw was electric. He traps that arm going through and there might have been some real fireworks at Covelli.

Great matches all night.

I was very perplexed by the calls in the Hoffman match. I welcome thoughts. Hoffman clearly was at least working to get out from bottom. I don’t get crawling straight to the edge of the mat and not trying to stand up or circle but he was at least not stuck underneath and going nowhere. Then as I recall, he gets hit for stalling when Warner would just push him out at the edge.

Then Warner gets hit for the same thing happening later.

It didn’t cost TOSU the matches but I thought the refereeing at the last two matches was debatable.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
J.P. Barner added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

I was also impressed with how hard we wrestled. Though my favorite TD of the night was Ornsdorf's shoulder throw. :)

How Eierman and D'Emilio are the same weight is almost baffling...eierman looked half again larger then Dylan. There is a big maturity difference between 19 and 25. D'Emilio will be tough against almost anyone else not named Micic or Lee. (interesting that Micic did not wrestle v Lee in the other match last night]

What was Marinelli signaling to the Iowa bench right after losing to Kharchla - Carson is only going to get better and the Bull had better be ready at the B1Gs.

Huge win for Kaleb after his OT loss to Amine last week. Huge.

And the fight Huffman put up after appearing completely outclassed in the first period was impressive.

All in all, an excellent match.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

My thoughts after the match
1) Malik can beat anyone outside the top 5 maybe. He should be a threat for a low aa. He won with bad officiating.
2)sasso does not look like himself from previous years. He may be cutting too much?? Hopefully we see the best version of him at ncaas like we did with jaggers
3)165 is gonna be an absolute dogfight at ncaas. Maybe 5 different guys can win that weight.
4) even though kaleb went to overtime he was never even close to being scored on. Feel the guy was just playing defense the whole time. I really hope he comes back next year. He has improved each and every year
5)all I heard the coaching staff say all year is how much tate improved. I don’t see it all all. 285 is the absolute toughest weight class this year and the top 5-6 are so much better than the rest of the field. Tate is gonna be batttling about 10 guys just to get 7 or 8. Gonna need the perfect draw to aa again.
6) Iowa looked tired. Ohio state was fighting back in these matches and were better conditioned late in matches. You never see that on a Iowa team
7) overall great team effort Ohio state can compete with anyone outside the top three teams 157 and 133 are just huge holes that should be filled next year

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Drew Taylor added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

Nick, good post. I do believe Tate has improved. He’s still not beating the top guys but the difference is he no longer is struggling with nobodies.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

Maybe it’s me but watching PSU and Iowa it seemed like Iowa was wrestling for stall calls while PSU was wrestling for TD.

So annoying to listen to Brands yell he is stalling the whole match. During one match you could hear him say he chased him all over the Fing mat.

Even worse on Iowa forum. Every match they lost they think Bucks stalled. Malik and Carson stalled entire match and played the edge.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Matt Schein added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

I agree with what everyone has said, but a couple more notes. Iowa does look off, they look tired. I personally a lot of them have peaked, and are starting the downside of their athletic ability. As much as I love “the bull” I don’t see him winning it this year either, the rest of the field has caught up. By no means am I saying he’s bad, he’s still elite, but I think his best days are behind him. Same with eierman. He looks huge next to DD. He too is struggling against middle of the ride guys. If you told me that both guys get upset early at NCAA I wouldn’t be surprised. Just my two cents.

The duel was really entertaining. I was expecting it to be a bloodbath by Iowa. Bucks wrestled tough matches they were “supposed” to lose were kept close. Great duel. Go bucks!

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

Quote from Jim Kessen's post:

"Even worse on Iowa forum. Every match they lost they think Bucks stalled. Malik and Carson stalled entire match and played the edge."

That's on you for going into that hole of a forum. :)

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on January 22, 2022

[quote="Brady Hiatt"]

Quote from Jim Kessen's post:

"Even worse on Iowa forum. Every match they lost they think Bucks stalled. Malik and Carson stalled entire match and played the edge."

That's on you for going into that hole of a forum. :)[/quote

Haha I know but can’t help it. I visit Iowa and PSU boards daily.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Dan Strope added to this discussion on January 23, 2022

Quote from Jim Kessen's post:

"Maybe it’s me but watching PSU and Iowa it seemed like Iowa was wrestling for stall calls while PSU was wrestling for TD. "

Best and most accurate analysis ever written.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Rex Holman added to this discussion on January 25, 2022

Loved Carson's match.

First period did not get bullied out of position. Excellent. Showed a lot of poise.

Second period. Positions were super strong.

Third period. I thought he was not active enough off bottom for the first minute. Then it was like the switch flipped and he started initiating attacks off bottom. Some real smart wrestling thereafter.

Re: Marinelli yelling. He was very frustrated. Nothing he did worked except for the non committal riding time gainer from top. He knows he can't bully/overwhelm Carson.

Marinelli's single leg is very ordinary, so his points have to come from bullying an opponent out of position. Carson stayed the course and was having none of it. Kudos Carson! and thank you for wrestling smart and never coming out of position.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Brian Keaton added to this discussion on January 26, 2022

I can't believe some people are saying Carson stalled... I rewatched the match after seeing it in person and didn't think he stalled at all.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on January 26, 2022

Quote from Brian Keaton's post:

"I can't believe some people are saying Carson stalled... I rewatched the match after seeing it in person and didn't think he stalled at all."

It’s only Iowa fans and they think everyone stalls.

What did everyone think of Hoffmans match? Iowa fans think he stalled like crazy on bottom and kept crawling out of bounds.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Doug Gainous added to this discussion on January 26, 2022

What did everyone think of Hoffmans match? Iowa fans think he stalled like crazy on bottom and kept crawling out of bounds.[/quote]

I thought Hoffman was working the entire time to get an escape. I thought he was going to burn himself out but he kept hustling. Not sure who to blame for all the out of bounds but I was impressed with the effort.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs. tOSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on January 26, 2022

Quote from Doug Gainous's post:

"What did everyone think of Hoffmans match? Iowa fans think he stalled like crazy on bottom and kept crawling out of bounds."

I thought Hoffman was working the entire time to get an escape. I thought he was going to burn himself out but he kept hustling. Not sure who to blame for all the out of bounds but I was impressed with the effort.[/quote]

Doug I agree with you and thought he was working hard.

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