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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Quote from Doug Gainous's post:

"why take down in the 3rd at 125? I hope at big 10's and naty's the staff is smarter than that.

Sasso will live by sword die by the sword. Thise close matches don't always go your way. He did take all the shots.

157...c'mon dude! Finish that single in o.t!"

I don’t mind it to see where you are at during a meaningless dual but now you know and can’t go down at B10 or Nationals.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Don Bork added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Should not have taken bottom at 165 either. I don’t think this staff scouts opponents or knows their team.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Quote from Don Bork's post:

"Should not have taken bottom at 165 either. I don’t think this staff scouts opponents or knows their team."

That is a backup 165 not sure anyone scouts that deep. Plus Freeman has 2 minutes of ridding time. Have to figure he would at least get an escape. He basically gave up and put himself in the position for PSU kid to score.

Add Jordan to list of kids I don’t ever want to see again

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Rob Wagner added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Some very questionable coaching decisions in this dual so far for sure. These 3 backs ups I’ve watched so far have shown little fight.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Quote from Rob Wagner's post:

"Some very questionable coaching decisions in this dual so far for sure. These 3 backs ups I’ve watched so far have shown little fight."

Agree but also Wilcox is probably 4th string and lost to PSU starter in OT and Freeman is probably 3rd string and did lose to PSU kid who was there starter till last week.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jim Fox added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

I was really looking forward to watching. Not so much now. Just drinking more now. Not understanding several decisions made by coaches. I didn't think would win but I thought it would be alot closer than it is. At least Hoffman is hanging in there. Not going to win that review.

Haven't read why there is so many backups. Injuries?

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Don Bork added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

I expect you will see all the regulars in the Rutgers match. Tom wants to win that one and knew he had no chance tonight. So the Bucks spent the whole off season working on mat wrestling? Pathetic!

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Luke Moore added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Some of those matches were meaningless, so it doesn't really matter. But, I think Freeman, Wilcox and Hoffman absolutely quit when they had chances to win in OT. I assume that is a conditioning thing. You could actually see it in Hoffman's face.

On a positive, Ethan Smith is on the Martin, Pletcher, Moore level for me as a fan. Always attacking, never sits out, continuously improving. I love that kid. He is just fun to watch.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Quote from Luke Moore's post:

"Some of those matches were meaningless, so it doesn't really matter. But, I think Freeman, Wilcox and Hoffman absolutely quit when they had chances to win in OT. I assume that is a conditioning thing. You could actually see it in Hoffman's face.

On a positive, Ethan Smith is on the Martin, Pletcher, Moore level for me as a fan. Always attacking, never sits out, continuously improving. I love that kid. He is just fun to watch."

Couldn’t disagree more about Hoffman you must’ve watched a different match. I think he battled and refs bailed Dean out with that stoppage.

Agree on Freeman and Wilcox.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Doug Gainous added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Yeah...not good.

OT losses and more garbage mat wrestling.

Do we need better wrestlers or better coaches?

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Doug Gainous added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

Yeah...not good.

OT losses and more garbage mat wrestling.

Do we need better wrestlers or better coaches?

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jack Muni added to this discussion on February 4, 2022

I agree with TR on that 195 match, Hoffman rolled and there was separation when he faced Dean, that should have been 1 escape, 2 TD. Doesn't surprise me that it wasn't overturned, being a home match. Hoffman nearly beat the #2 guy, he definitely has improved from last year. I also wondered why coaches had Malik take down in the third, he was going to have to TD Hildebrandt somewhere along the way to win. If they meet at Big Tens or NCAA it would be stupid to have him go down on that kid.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on February 5, 2022

Quote from Jack Muni's post:

"I agree with TR on that 195 match, Hoffman rolled and there was separation when he faced Dean, that should have been 1 escape, 2 TD. Doesn't surprise me that it wasn't overturned, being a home match. Hoffman nearly beat the #2 guy, he definitely has improved from last year. I also wondered why coaches had Malik take down in the third, he was going to have to TD Hildebrandt somewhere along the way to win. If they meet at Big Tens or NCAA it would be stupid to have him go down on that kid."

If the challenge occurs and the ref determines that it should have been an E1, then the rest of the wrestling in bad time, the clock is reset to when the E1 occurred, and they start neutral. Not how much time that would have left Hoffman.

Oh, whale.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on February 5, 2022

125 I thought Malik lost the minute he took down in the 3rd but don’t mind him taking that position because at some point at B10 or NCAA he is going to get TD and have to get out so why not keep trying in a dual that isn’t in doubt. With that said I don’t want to see him take down in a close match at B10 or NCAA would rather he take his chances on his feet

133 Koontz is like a sacrificial lamb and always seems to get sent out to get his head kicked in

141 D’Emillo goes hard but isn’t beating any of the top tier guys

149 Sasso always seems to find a way to win and I think he keeps that up and finishes top 4

157 Wilcox is probably 4th string and lost to PSU starter in OT. Now I think he gave up after he didn’t get TD in OT

165 see above the PSU kid was starter up until last week when Berge came back.

174 Smith is great and attacks attacks

184 Not much to say.

197 I think Hoffman wrestled great and is always moving. His conditioning will keep in a lot of matches. I think Ref bailed out Dean.

285. He has no chance against top 6 kids but didn’t have a chance last year either but still AA.

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Discussion Topic: Bucks v PSU
Roe Fox added to this discussion on February 5, 2022

It seems to me that by and large our better mat wrestlers come from out of state, primarily PA. There are obviously some exceptions. It does help growing up through programs that accentuate it.

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