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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Jim Kessen added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Not a good start Malik got beat by freshman Ungar from Cornell

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Rob Wagner added to this discussion on December 2, 2022


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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Richie figs is my pick to win it all. My dark horse of the tournament.

I can’t stand this coaching staff decesion making. I know it, you know it, the staff knows it. We are awful on bottom! People from Iowa and penn state know it. You are 0-0 with two minute riding time and it’s your choice. Pick NEuTRAL!!!!! Why put Malik on bottom at all?? Make the kid get a takedown. He wasn’t close in the first. You had a point locked up. Bad start for the buckeyes. Bad coaching!

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Quote from Nick Lecklider's post:

"Richie figs is my pick to win it all. My dark horse of the tournament.

I can’t stand this coaching staff decesion making. I know it, you know it, the staff knows it. We are awful on bottom! People from Iowa and penn state know it. You are 0-0 with two minute riding time and it’s your choice. Pick NEuTRAL!!!!! Why put Malik on bottom at all?? Make the kid get a takedown. He wasn’t close in the first. You had a point locked up. Bad start for the buckeyes. Bad coaching!"


First round matchups are frequently tight. Just win and advance.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Now demilio loses a major and a team point bc they start bottom and he gets ridden for the entire third. If he starts nuetral and we lock up a major. This bottom wrestling is beyond embarrassing for Ohio state and has been for Tom Ryan’s entire tenure. Why keep starting these kids on bottom? That is the reason he lost to Quinn Kinner at ncaas. The coaching is beyond questionable at this point. They can recruit I give Tom that.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Carson wins 9-2. Instead of kicking out the Nebraska kid and try to get bonus points. Carson wants to ride him the entire third until he ecscapes with little time left. I am just puzzled at these decisions. Bonus points win tournaments and Ohio state has now cost themselves two majors by two bad third period decisions and one win on top of that. Hope it gets better from here on out.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Major by smith
Major by Romero
Pin by Hoffman.
Huge pin by Tate
Nice bonus wins to get them back in team race and end the round

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Bruce Andrews added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Dylan Koontz finally wrestling someone taller than him.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Big pin by Malik!
Koontz with a reversal and backs to take out the 7 seed!
Ohio state on a roll now!

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Dan Strope added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

In fairness to the OSU staff it is early December so give them a little slack and some time to coach up their kids. Everything you said is true. Maybe the staff wanted to see if their offseason adjustments are working or if different adjustments are needed? How would they know if they do not test the adjustments in battle? CLV is a nice tourney but it is far from the grand prize.

You are correct in that it is a well known and serious problem but let's give them a chance to coach through it this season.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Demilio loses in saver by being in danger position too long off what looked like he was about to get a takedown. I don’t think it matters who is 141. Decatur or demilio. I think demilio has been overrated. Do t see either as any all American threat. Just can’t pull that many big wins in a row. Neither are good on the mat either. Both 1-2 type NCAA guys. Demilio just pulls off more proven big wins occasionally but loses to lower ranked guys quite a bit.

Sasso with pin and looks great today!

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

It probably actually helped that Malik lost as he would have never got the pin and the two bonus points in the championship bracket. He will now more than likely face the same kid again in order to place. Let’s make the adjustments this time around. The Cornell kid lost to a high school 120 pound freshman a few weeks ago. He may end up being an all time great in jax Forrest but still!

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Smith nearly gassed out and lost to Columbia. Same guy who he lost to in a dual. What is it with him and this Columbia kid. He had zero energy in third.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Rob Wagner added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

I know he gassed at the end, but glad to see Smith avenge the loss to Lenny Wolak.

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Discussion Topic: CKLV 12/2-12/3
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on December 2, 2022

Hoffman witt a major of ttun
Tate loses bc he attempts a sloppy throw

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