

G-R and Freestyle



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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs PSU
Rex Holman added to this discussion on January 28, 2023

So, Kennedy is impressing me.

He does the attention to detail stuff like a veteran.

I really like his stance and patience. From his output, he looks extremely coachable and willing to do what you ask of him.

Weird, Nolf showing how to wrestle out of underhook just showed up on my Instagram feed. And Facundo spent a considerable amount of time not allowing Kennedy to work his offense from there.

I thought Facundo would have more of a ride against Kennedy, which leads me to believe that Kennedy is very good at escaping. Did Hamiti get riding time against Kennedy? If no, Kennedy has mastered the skill set well enough for this season. That's impressive for a freshman.

Re: PSU ride; Great for a W, but a disservice to the fan. Also, in the case of Max Dean. Are you allowed to take the tib/fib to the outside thereby jeopardizing the integrity of the knee. If you do it intentionally with a handgrip, it's immediately called for potentially dangerous. Newsflash, it's intentional and by design when done by hooking the ankle. I guess it's a grey area being gamed/exploited.

I would have liked to see more scoring, but these guys are wrestling for Big Ten seeds and the game is afoot.

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Discussion Topic: Iowa vs PSU
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on January 28, 2023

PSU vs Iowa was a tame dual for one vs two. A couple minor surprises but both teams looked conservative. Not a surprise. It's late January and everyone is banged up and tired and trying to stay reasonably healthy.

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