Discussion Topic: Richland Electric Duals at Lexington needs a team
Brent Rastetter added to this discussion on September 17, 2007
The Richland Electric duals at Lexington High School on Saturday, January 12th 2008 is in need of a 6th team due to a team pulling out this morning. Current teams include Lexington, Eastlake North, Shaker Heights., Van Wert, and Columbus Bishop Ready. 5 matches. We do something a little different as we run both varsity and JV duals. We have 2 gyms on campus and will run 3 mats in each, varsity being in one gym and the JV in the other. This is a good opportunity to bring your whole team to the same tournament and get them mat time. We do not do individual awards so if you need to swap your line-up during the day you can. Team trophies to the top 2 of both the varsity and JV duals. T-shirts to the championship varsity team. Any questions or interest can be directed to Brent Rastetter: rastetter.brent@lexington.k12.oh.us or you can call the jr. high 419-884-2112 and ask for my extension. Thanks.