Discussion Topic: Ohio University Fall Wrestling Clinic
Ozzie Saxon added to this discussion on October 6, 2008
Ohio University will hold its annual Fall Wrestling Clinic on November 2, 2008. The clinic is from 9am-12:30 pm in the Convocation Wrestling Room. Ohio University's intrasquad match will follow the clinic.
Brian Dolph
will be the featured clinician. Dolph was a NCAA Champion at Indiana University, 3x NCAA All American, 2x Big Ten Champion, and the 2000 Olympic Trials Runner up.
The cost is $25 per wrestler pre-registered or $30 at the door. $30 per coach pre-registered and $35 at the door.
Make checks payable to Ohio University and return to Ozzie Saxon; 112 Convocation Center; Athens, OH; 45701. For more information call 740-593-9934 or email os576405@ohio.edu.