Discussion Topic: Ohio University Fall Clinic featuring Brian Dolph November 2
Ozzie Saxon added to this discussion on October 27, 2008
Ohio University will hold its annual Fall Wrestling Clinic on November 2, 2008. The clinic is from 9am-12:30 pm in the Convocation Wrestling Room. Ohio University's intrasquad match will follow the clinic.
Brian Dolph
will be the featured clinician. Dolph was a NCAA Champion at Indiana University, 3x NCAA All American, 2x Big Ten Champion, and the 2000 Olympic Trials Runner up.
The cost is $25 per wrestler pre-registered or $30 at the door. $30 per coach pre-registered and $35 at the door.
Make checks payable to Ohio University and return to Ozzie Saxon; 112 Convocation Center; Athens, OH; 45701. For more information call 740-593-9934 or email os576405@ohio.edu.