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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 17, 2012


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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Ben Golden added to this discussion on January 17, 2012

That's pretty awesome. Why is it illegal?

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Dom Mancini added to this discussion on January 17, 2012

That's legal - correctly called by the official at the match - not a backflip because he wrapped around the other wrestler with his hands.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 17, 2012


It is illegal.

The rules state that a back flip from the standing position is an illegal maneuver. Since he is standing, at a point..its illegal.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Jack Muni added to this discussion on January 17, 2012

I think someone could argue he was never standing up. Now is standing, and standing upright, the same thing??? None the less, a very interesting move, and rather dangerous.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

We actually talked about it and showed it tonight at our local meeting.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

I understand it's illegal in HS, but I thought it was a college match. Is it also illegal at that level?

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Dom Mancini added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

I'm saying it's not a backflip Fred how do you define what a backflip is? any backward sumersalt motion?

Here is the position that the rule was made for


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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Tony Bradberry added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

Quote from Brady Hiatt's post:

"I understand it's illegal in HS, but I thought it was a college match. Is it also illegal at that level?"

Pretty sure it is still legal in college.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Tony Bradberry added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

Quote from Dom Mancini's post:

"I'm saying it's not a backflip Fred how do you define what a backflip is? any backward sumersalt motion?

Here is the position that the rule was made for


We all know that is what the rules intent was, but the way it is worded it eliminates all back flips. I think it is pretty obvious what that kid did was a back flip. You could argue semantics and say it was more of a back handspring since he posted off his opponent, but he still mad a backward rotating motion in air.

I hate the rule and used to use this move in college and high school, but it is what it is.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

Quote from Tony Bradberry's post:

"We all know that is what the rules intent was, but the way it is worded it eliminates all back flips. I think it is pretty obvious what that kid did was a back flip. You could argue semantics and say it was more of a back handspring since he posted off his opponent, but he still mad a backward rotating motion in air.

I hate the rule..."


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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Fred Feeney added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

It is legal in college...and the guy who sent it to me told me it was a high school event. If its a college event then yes...legal.

A few years ago, 2009 I think...a kid got hurt doing that back flip from a "tree top" position. The NFHS came in and stopped it. But...by saying "from the standing position", they are saying that anytime you are on 2 feet without hands, or knees on the mat, that is considered a standing position.
At some point...this kid was in a standing position before he flips over.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Tommy Rowlands added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

That was amazing.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

No joke. I'd need a spotter (a really strong spotter to do all the work) for me to hit that move. Or be wrestling a 4 year old, a very short 4 year old that I could backward sumersault over.

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Discussion Topic: Cool move but illegal
Rick Wasmer added to this discussion on January 18, 2012

I think it's college , CUW open 141 pounds

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