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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Dave Charles added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

...."Taylor hopes to get a wild-card spot to wrestle in next month's Olympic Trials in Iowa City, Iowa, on April 20-21. However, he'll have the reigning 163-pound World champ in Jordan Burroughs in his weight class. Burroughs was the 2011 winner of the Hodge Trophy."

What are your thoughts/predictions? Could Taylor pull this off?

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on March 29, 2012


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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Brady Hiatt added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Could he, Yes (If Deitchler beat Lester, then...).

Will he, what Niemann said.

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

I think Greco is a different animal. Well, not that wrestling is an animal, but you know what I mean.

One thing I've been thinking about since I answered...

I haven't studied it out but I would be willing to bet that 90% or more of D.T.'s offense takedowns have come from the tie-up. From just about every match I've seen with Burroughs (we'll call him JB from now on), he wrestles with space, setting up either a) his double or b) an exceptional single/low-single.

These two styles favor JB more than D.T.. I see D.T. trying to close the gap in order to create a tie-up position, all the while JB is deep on a double leg looking for the takedown - or even 3 points should JB catch him just right.

Also, D.T.'s strength is on the mat. What is the average time spent on the mat these days in freestyle??? 20 seconds? If that's the line, I'll take the under!!!

But then again, I may have just spelled doom for JB (@allIseeisgold) by picking him.

EDIT: In David Taylor's finals match this year, I counted 9 TDs, 1 R and a NF2. 7 TDs were from the tie-up.

Last edited by Mark Niemann on March 29, 2012; edited 1 time in total

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Dom Mancini added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

My feeling is that it is unlikely that Taylor will beat Burroghs however, the pure dominance that Taylor exhibits at the college level makes me think why not? He has the resources available to make the adjustments needed for freestyle at Penn State - I don't think anyone really knows how good David Taylor is and this will be exciting to watch him compete in the Olympic Trials.

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Quote from Dom Mancini's post:

"... this will be exciting to watch him compete in the Olympic Trials."

Boy wouldn't that be sweet to go to the Olympic Trials!?!?!?!

Wait a minute! I AAAMMMMMM going!!!!! Woo-hoo!

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Jamie Teel added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

what little faith! How many NCAA championships did Burroughs win? He went undefeated correct? I don't say these things to belittle him at all....I LOVE his style of wrestling...its exciting for the sport...and his learning curve has been STEEP. However, I think Taylors style matches up well with JB. I could see Taylor losing a defensive battle with a Paulson or Howr,but if the oppurtunity arises....he has the necessary tools to beat JB. Regardless it will be an awesome event for wrestling fans!

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Quote from Jamie Teel's post:

"what little faith! ..."

Guilty as charged.

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Brian Mathews added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Right now --- not gonna happen. How sweet would that be though?

Question: Does everyone on this board consider Taylor an "Ohio guy"?

I still do, but what do you guys think?

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Ohio guy, for sure. He spent roughly 8 or 9 years in Wyoming or Colorado? Heck half of those years I bet he doesn't even remember!!!

Which makes me think... what is my earliest memory??? I think mine was roughly 4 years old, as I was reaching on top of a counter for a doughnut at a Kinder-Kare. I couldn't see over the counter but I knew a dunkin' stick type doughnut was up there. My aunt saw me struggling and grabbed "a" doughnut for me. Thanks, but no thanks, lady! Jeesh...

Another is when I was in pre-school in our high school, back in the auditorium. I don't remember getting there. I don't remember ever leaving, but I do remember doing a project around Christmas time in which we made a stocking out of two pieces of construction paper, about 18" in size, hole punched around the perimeter and then fastened them with yarn. We then glued cotton balls to the top.

A lot of other memories prior to age 8 revolve around the local pool, my dad beating me with a belt (ABSOLUTELY deserved, BTW) and Saturday morning wrestling.

That is all.

Slow day. Can you tell!?

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Michael Rodriguez added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Quote from Jamie Teel's post:

"what little faith! How many NCAA championships did Burroughs win? He went undefeated correct?..."

Burroughs won two, but it's more than that. He won two fantastic weight classes, beating the likes of Mike Poeta, Cyler Sanderson, Gregor Gillespie, Jordan Leen, Dustin Schlatter, Colt Sponseller, Tyler Caldwell and World Team member Andrew Howe.

David Taylor, for all his awesomeness (I'm a huge fan) has simply never faced what Burroughs has, and has now for several years, dating back to 2009. Think about this, with all those names above, plus all the guys through the trials and the World Championships and the Pan Am games, Jordan Burroughs has not lost since the NCAA semi-finals of his sophomore year. It's a staggering record when you think about it.

As good as Taylor is at attacking from ties, I don't think most would argue that he's the best in the world. Jordan Burroughs either is, or has beaten the guy who is. Regardless how good Taylr is on top, do we really think he's going to throw something at Burroughs that he hasn't seen at Worlds?

Burroughs is another level. I think the best a David Taylor fan could hope for is to be Jim Jordan to Burrough's John Smith...wrestle him tough, show you're maybe a medal conteder as a #2 guy to a legend.

I'm more interested to see if Taylor can be that #2 guy. Can he beat Howe? the Paulsons? Moza Fay? If he can win the minni Tournament, I'll be very impressed.

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Alex Creech added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Quote from Brian Mathews's post:

"Right now --- not gonna happen. How sweet would that be though?

Question: Does everyone on this board consider Taylor an "Ohio guy"?

I still do, but what do you guys think?"

I don't really consider him an Ohio guy. I wonder if Taylor even considers himself an Ohio guy.

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Rob Wagner added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Wow, I am kind of suprised by how easily people are writing off D.T. against Burroughs. Guys, were are talking about DAVID TAYLOR. I know Burroughs is an animal, but come on, Taylor is a man amongst boys in the college level, and does not shy away from competition. (Yes I know this isn't college were talking about here) I really think D.T. would be Burroughs, yeah I could be wrong, but it just shocks me how people are wriitng him off so easily. I am an Eds guy, never liked Graham, not huge on PSU, but I repsect the hell out of D.T.. I just think some of you are giving Burroughs a little too much credit here.

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

Rob: I think the last line is where I would see myself more. It's NOTHING against D.T.. But rather, everything FOR Jordan Burroughs.

I guess the main thing is that he's proven it on the World's stage. He'll be very tough to beat come mid-to-late April and dare I say, Late August!?!?!

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Discussion Topic: Taylor vs. Burroughs
Kevin Mount added to this discussion on March 29, 2012

I do love D.T.. Does he beat Burroughs at the trials this year? No way, no how. I'm actually surprised there is anyone who thinks that he will. Anything is possible, I guess, but right now Burroughs is just better than D.T..

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