Discussion Topic: Ohio State Tournament - My 2 Cents
Brian Keck added to this discussion on March 3, 2013
I made it back to the Ohio State Tournament for the first time in 6 years. First thing that comes to mind is the Ohio State tournament is the most organized well run State tournament I have been too. I hope everyone from Ohio understands how lucky they are to be from Ohio. The other State tournaments I have been to over the past few years do not even come close..,
Some Random thoughts...
-- I really think they should draw to decide what weight class starts first during the finals. I stayed until the 285's wrestled and there were only about 1000 people left in the stands. So not fair for the upperweights. And what's up with them taking a break to hand out the awards with only 2 weights left. Most people started heading for the doors when they did this.
-- I really wish High School would implement the college rules when it comes to going out of bounds. It's so cut and dry and takes the official out of the equation.
-- Nathan Tomasello is an animal but I really enjoyed how the guy he had in the finals came to wrestle. He did not back down. I think Tomasello will have an outstanding college career. Predict he will win 2 NCAA titles.
-- St. Ed's has a down year and still wins the State Title. Coach Greg Urbas is maybe the greatest High School Coach in History. He is the Phil Jackson of High School Coaches. Doesn't hurt when you have the same great assistant coaches for 20 plus years.
-- Jordan Family = Amazing!!!
-- The officials. I saw a lot of great officiating but I also saw some really bad officiating. I heard in Ohio it's a rotating system that officials throughout Ohio rotate officiating the State tournament. Why are not the best officials at the State Tournament every year? Don't the wrestlers deserve this?
-- last but not least. If your eager for some more great competition ,the USA Wrestling Corn Cob Nationals is only 2 weeks away. For more information and to register you can visit the tournament web site at www.CornCobNationals.com
Discussion Topic: Ohio State Tournament - My 2 Cents
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on March 3, 2013
Brian: Those are fantastic observations. I agree with every word.