Discussion Topic: Winter vacation brings Koballa, Straughn home to Notre Dame
Dan Cosimi added to this discussion on February 1, 2008
Discussion Topic: Winter vacation brings Koballa, Straughn home to Notre Dame
Gary Sommers added to this discussion on February 1, 2008
From all I have heard the impetus for the big athletic push at Notre Dame is to increase enrollment through increased visilbility and just the number of athletes that would be coming in. But, since this is still a college, what quality of education do they offer?
Discussion Topic: Winter vacation brings Koballa, Straughn home to Notre Dame
Dan Ransick added to this discussion on February 1, 2008
I would imagine they would still offer a quality education. It is up to the athletes to learn in the classroom just like any other student.
This Notre Dame team is quickly looking like an Ohio All-Star team especially now that Straughn and Koballa are back home for the team.