Discussion Topic: Wrestling Coaches' Email Directory
Jude Roth added to this discussion on August 2, 2007
Attention All Coaches:
I am putting together a wrestling coach’s email directory. I would like to ask all coaches from all levels to assist me in this effort. The directory will eventually be available on the Ohio Athletic Committee web site at www.ohioathletics.com. It will be placed there when I have accumulated a decent number of addresses. I will then add more to it as they come in to me. If you are a coach at either the high school, Jr. High or Youth level please email me these 5 items of information at juderoth@ohioathletics.com
Level of coaching: hs, jh or yth
First name
Last name
Email address
If you have this info of other coaches please send it to me and I will add them to the directory. This can be a great tool for everyone. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from everyone
Send info to juderoth@ohioathletics.com
Discussion Topic: Wrestling Coaches' Email Directory
Bob Preusse added to this discussion on August 2, 2007
does his mean you are remaining in Ohio ? -- i was told you had taken a position in Pennsylvania with NHSCA but you are still here i see. Will you be you coaching now ? BobP