Discussion Topic: Ohio University Camps
Ozzie Saxon added to this discussion on March 4, 2008
Two camps will be offered July 7th-10th this year on the campus of Ohio University. Special guest Jake Percival will be on staff to provide useful techniques from all areas.
Technique/Competition (Junior High and High School)
All imaginable areas of wrestling will be covered in the technique/competition camp. Each session will consist of both technique and competition. The first half of each session will be high percentage scoring holds from the feet and highly effective turns and pinning combinations. We will teach advanced as well as basic wrestling techniques, including: takedowns, pins, nearfalls, escapes, reversals, and riding. The second half of each session will consist of competition where wrestlers will be divided among weights into groups for live wrestling. We will also cover strength and conditioning, mental preparation, and nutrition. All campers will receive the appropriate attention from all the staff.
Bobcat Kids Camp (K-5)
This camp is a 4 day commuter camp geared toward elementary age wrestlers. Kids will learn the basic skills of wrestling from 9 to noon each day. There will be plenty of individual attention for each wrestler to benefit greatly. There will be instructional drilling and games designed to develop skills of wrestling and put the love of the sport in each young athlete.
Here is the link to the brochure: