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Discussion Topic: 2022 NCAA Championships Interviews
Rex Holman added to this discussion on March 19, 2022


Chris talks about sustainable culture and blueprint from NC St and Mizzou.


"I know my way around those positions...I knew his level of wrestling knowledge was'nt as superior as mine"

The amount of confidence you have when you know the positions that you are going to allow. Being better at positions is what wins matches. So, you've heard me blather on about being end goal driven, engaging only positions which give you an advantage because you understand them better than your opponent. This guy is the living embodiment of that concept. Plus, he said he would die out there. Ok, a bit overdramatic. But not for one second do I doubt him or question his ownership. I use to use the loose translation of Jacob wrestling the angel as inspiration for my wrestling and being the only sport sanctioned by God to test your resoluteness and resiliency. Anyway, he is the dude.

Yianni post semifinals match interview. I'd post if I could find it online. I watched it a couple times. I thought he was too rough on himself and not really enjoying the moment. He should be chasing excellence rather than perfection. It's two very different things. Right now he's chasing perfection because he's actually wrestled perfect and near perfect matches and trying to account for variables outside of his control. It was evident after his quarterfinals matches and subsequent interview. He mentioned his opponents wrestling a certain way in order to attempt a win against him and it involves wrestling a slower pace. He's frustrated with his own wrestling because he is unable to create more scoring positions. Quint K asks him what it's going to to take to right his ship, to which he answers, "I gotta have some balls." I don't know that his perception matches the reality. Maybe he does have a sixth gear to which I'm unaware, but as long as he accounts for positions which he is able to generate and owns them, then all should be good in his universe. Which from my perspective, he's doing.

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Discussion Topic: 2022 NCAA Championships Interviews
Brian Mathews added to this discussion on March 19, 2022

Re: Yianni, I felt like there were multiple positions in that match where he was close to finishing takedowns but allowed Sasso to stalemate rather than take any risk. I don't actually think they were even that risky, he just knew he had a lead and didn't want to blow it. I assume that's what he was referencing.

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Discussion Topic: 2022 NCAA Championships Interviews
Rex Holman added to this discussion on March 19, 2022

You make a good point about him getting repeatedly stalemated. He stopped trying to score or rather improve positions. He routinely tries to improve position, but seemed to settle for a push.

Attitude is everything. Apparently, there is some cognitive dissonance between what he thinks he should be doing and what he is doing.

My point being is his self talk should be: "I stalemated some positions that I should have pursued a little more competitively/aggressively but allowed to happen." It's in the first person and affirmative.

By saying, "I need some balls" infers that you are wrestling with fear. It's a tell that he is struggling a mentally.

Yianni is a world beater, but talking to himself like that is not a good long term solution and defeatist.

If I were his coach I would be redirecting that self talk to better reflect reality rather than perception.

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