

G-R and Freestyle



2019 UWW Senior World Championships
2019 Final X
2019 Junior Greco-Roman National Duals
2019 Junior Boys' Freestyle National Duals
Division changes for 2019-2020 OHSAA Dual Championships
2019 AAU National Duals (Disney Duals)
2019 Yasar Dogu International Tournament
2019 Junior and 16U National Championships (Fargo)
Division changes for 2019-2020 OHSAA Individual Championships

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Discussion Topic: Ohio Rtc
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on May 23, 2022

I think a lot of people have been down on the Ohio rtc lately and after recent performances it has showed it is still an elite place to be. Probably about the best weekend out of any other rtc. People were down on losing McKenna pletcher Martin and Snyder but the Ohio rtc has absolutely developed the guys they have. Evan Henderson beat two national champs and outplaced pletcher and McKenna. Moore beat a guy who he has previously lost to and won his weight. Dhesi beat a guy recently who is in the finals for the us team. Even sasso had a hell of successful tourney beating the number one overall seed and got fourth in a loaded weight class. Once he trains full time I think he will continue improving. Jesse Mendes and Feldman are absolutely gonna be the next face of the Ohio rtc also. Mendes had gross dead to rights and got caught in one huge move. Feldman I have a feeling will be very elite also. The future of the Ohio rtc looks very bright to me even without Tervel and Rosselli which was a concern to many people. Logan looks like he is doing a great job and getting the best out of his athletes.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio Rtc
Ben Golden added to this discussion on May 24, 2022

You’re right, Nick. The athletes and coaches at the Ohio RTC had great weekend and deserve a lot of credit. The greco guys did well too.

Congratulations to them.

Just need to get more athletes in there.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio Rtc
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on May 24, 2022

worth noting that Dhesi, the 285, just beat Gwiz at the US Open. He's got a shot to represent Team Canada at Worlds.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio Rtc
Nick Lecklider added to this discussion on May 24, 2022

Hank that is what I meant by Dhesi beating a guy who will be at final x I was alluding to Gwiz. However I believe it was the pan am games not the Us open as he isn’t trying to represent the US, that the victory was at.

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Discussion Topic: Ohio Rtc
Mark Niemann added to this discussion on May 24, 2022

I agree - great weekend.

And at the risk of sounding like Dennis Green, before crowing them, I'd like to see some sustained success. :-)

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Discussion Topic: Ohio Rtc
Hank Kornblut added to this discussion on May 24, 2022

Just watched Evan Henderson vs Nick Lee on Flo. Incredible match. Don't underestimate how much Henderson's presence in the room helps the Bucks. Jaggers and Stieber were going nuts when he beat Lee.

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