Discussion Topic: Team Miron at AAU Elem National Duals, Kingsport, TN
John Herren added to this discussion on April 29, 2008
Congrats to all TM members. Boys with records by their names earned medals for their performance. However, all boys at some point had key wins that helped the team earn 8th place out of 30 teams.
Cl Act Last First Rec.
40 39 Herren Mitch 6-2
45 45 Beal Kody
50 49 Bobo Berk
55 54 Rhine Alex 6-2
60 60 Martinez Jacob 8-0
65 65 McHugh Brandon 7-1
70 70 Ball Jared 6-2
75 74 Romero Kaleb 6-2
80 79 Minnard Chandler 8-0
85 77 Taylor Dylan 5-3
90 89 Ray Clayton
95 na
100 100 Ramage Richard
108 107 Radich Jordan 6-2
116 104 Ramage Jud
125 124 Peterson Kent
135 134 Donaldson Layton 6-2
148 141 Howard Cody 5-3
285 na
Alt 49 Grace Jordan 3-2